
S/he already bought it. S/he can turn it off if s/he wants to. Why do you think they put that feature in the most obvious of places? Its own dedicated hardware button. When the 3D is off I'm pretty sure there are no wasted resources.

"20 minutes of DDR twice a week will get you fit." *

Reminder: you can turn the 3D off.

I'm saying it was because you reported an unbiased piece of information in order to prove that Apple charges more for worse hardware.

Hearted. And not for Valentine's Day. For being awesome.

You didn't state that as an exception. Regardless, that was a LOT of slaves.

I think we all know who would be the star.

Um. What about Jews in Egypt?


Then clearly I was misinformed. I stand corrected.

So everyone wears shoes because ads have brainwashed everyone? Do you wear shoes?

Pretty sure wearing shoes is way better for your spine and general posture with the support they give. Otherwise, I might try these.

Does he make video games? :3

Firstly, this is an extremely interesting article. Bravo!! It not only kept my attention, but the articles / videos you linked to also required my attention.

Perhaps he should have said girl or boyfriend.

He's super SERIAL!!

Why didn't you find this, then? ;)

Agreed. Numbers are pointless and using them illegitimately compares video games that could never really be compared objectively.

You're welcome! Yeah, I think I read it in the manual or the strategy guide at a friend's house like 15 years ago or something.

You're welcome! Haha That's a good joke, too!