
I wish SCV stood for Space Construction Vehicle... that's how I keep reading that. Perhaps you should be writing "SC V" with a space.

I've used a benchmark and my actual speeds aren't quite as fast as I see on Newegg, but they're close, and the ratios are the same.

Ok, I get it. It's not true. Thanks. Does no one on here but me and Neandy have a sense of humor? Geez. Tough crowd.

Good thing I don't enjoy McDonald's burgers. I enjoy Burger Ki-...

Oh well. It's still funny. They didn't have graphite pencils back then that they could use?

Maybe because forcing you to agree to a EULA after you've unwrapped an un-refundable item is a terrible business practice and completely unethical? Just because something is rampant doesn't mean it's correct. That's like paying for a can of soup and then the store says "oh by the way, you can either dump it on your

Reminds me of when NASA spent millions of dollars developing a pen that could write in space.

I thought the exact same thing yesterday. One more reason for me to love Google+ over facesneak.

I don't know, maybe I understood it wrong, but I thought the gaping hole in the ozone near the north pole let more heat out than in because it's near the pole and so the sun doesn't direct much radiation at that spot. I could be wayyyyy off though, or someone explained it to me incorrectly.

"240 MB/sec read speeds, 461 MB/sec write."

CFC's and greenhouse gases horrible effect cancel each other out... EUREKA!!

That should suffice. Thank you! I suppose we're seeing the effect a mile or two away, so yeah your perspective thought makes sense. If a car is moving 100 mph, from 2 miles away it probably doesn't appear to be moving at all, let alone quickly. Same reason why the moon/sun doesn't appear to move much. I just thought

Yep, I bought a 32 GB SDHC card the moment I heard the 3DS supports them. Bring on the downloadable games!

That's funny. I thought Janurary was the worst time to see auroras.


This is a gadget. It doesn't say "electronic" any where in there, does it?

My mind could not let me enjoy this, for fear of it being a screamer. Seriously, beware fake versions of this and make SURE it's actually just a picture file.

A mass exodus of Corona beer? Yes, please.

^ This. ^ +2