
best picture ever.

They both listen to their customer base. Why do you think Blizzard let people make/use addons in WoW? Most of the best add-ons were then programmed and implemented by Blizzard so they'd be guaranteed to work through every patch.

SteamMover. It's free, and literally makes managing an SSD unbelievably easy. It creates xcopy commands or something to move all the files to another drive, but makes pointers to all the files so the game thinks it's still on the original drive.

Really thought that said Portal III. I was about to shit bricks in pure ecstasy. Damn you, Kotaku!

Thank you for posting this! Really interesting.

Truth. Don't know how to play it, but I think your odds are like 49.9% if you play right.

Unrelated: goin to see Justice in March in Boston.

+100 Internets! Fantastic song.

Sign me the fuck up for this one. Day one.

There's a sarcasm SIGN?

Bought the book!

Love the second point. This is exciting indeed! Bring it on.

I didn't have either :/ so I ordered an ice cream maker... which just came in today! We'll see how it comes out for Thanksgiving tomorrow when my whole family is sloshed.

I have a friend who loves TES and he is deathly afraid of spiders... I forgot to ask him how he handled the game so far.

Not anything against Skyrim's music or sfx, but I'm just gonna go ahead and say Bethesda... let me use all of the Morrowind sounds and music. It should be a toggleable option.

That was pretty funny... but can Super Horse do THIS?!

Wow, Unfinished Sympathy is a great song, indeed. It reminds me of Furious Angels from The Matrix soundtrack minus the vocals.

As does spelling! infuriates*

I concur.

Wait. Wait. Wait. Atari has a trademark on the phrase "game program"? How has no one else been sued for using that phrase? More importantly, how did they manage to trademark that excruciatingly generic phrase?