
This is amazing.

So, what are your thoughts on StarCraft II? Have you played it? Do you like it? Do you enjoy it? Have you ever played the first game? What do you dis/like about the changes they made? StarCraft is my favorite franchise. What's your favorite franchise? :)

"I love it when you can bring really great design and simple capability to something that doesn't cost much."

It's also fun to think about how no element heavier than iron was created naturally without a supernova. So, if you're wearing true gold or silver jewelry, for example, you're quite literally wearing the aftermath of a supernova. I always smile when I think of this.

I must be losing my touch... I didn't even think of that until the first paragraph. I think my overload of "that's what she said" 's have caused me to forget the first "dirty" word we ever hear teachers say.

Wow, oversight on my part. >.< Hah thanks. Yeah I was thinking of PC play.

Although I completely agree with your other points, saying that "all gamers have become babies" is a slippery slope. Be careful, because if everyone starts truly believing this, it may actually come true. Don't let the trolls ruin your opinion of the majority of gamers! :)

Can you actually play it while the servers are down? I thought you had to go through BattleLog, which requires an internet connection?

The Simpsons did it first.

Because real-life soldiers typically aim and fire their guns with controllers? /halftrolling

Good point. I didn't see it that way. I would rather buy a $500 computer than a $500 Xbox 360 (cost at release) so I can do everything I want, not just some things. I also like being able to chat with people in between games and such, through text and/or voice. I can't easily type on a console. You're right, some

I didn't prove your point. I'm saying that the fact that your system is a console and mine is a computer doesn't affect the "theater" experience. The differences are in cost and what games are available (and which ones are ports or exclusives).

I have a 40" LED TV hooked up to my computer and 5.1 surround. I prefer a mouse and keyboard on 95% of the games I have. I have a controller that I can plug into my computer to play those other 5%. Why would I ever want a console? Because of those stupid console exclusive games... Luckily, there aren't many.

Anyone who complained that it was too long, I don't like you. Next time just cheat your way through if you're getting bored instead of complaining about getting MORE GAME. Geez...

Thank you, good sir!

How in the world do you dedicate a video card to physx? I'm not doubting you, I just didn't know you could do that.

Got it. Guess I was pointing out the obvious, then.

Ah, thank you! Never would have gotten that haha

Can someone explain the hand with the floating diamond above it? I don't get the reference. I get the Captain Planet one, but I don't know who's in that reflection.

Is it just me ... or is it saying that if you give a girl a diamond, she'll give you a blowjob? She definitely starts going down right before the cut away.