
You have to get the surround on units so they can't run away. There's probably more micro than you realize, but yeah WC3 has more spells and heroes and that's what I didn't like - too much micro. To each his own!

He said "fuck" and I didn't have to tell my age! PR oversight!

Same :D

You have to micro the shit out of certain units for all 3 races. Others don't matter so much. But even Marines and Zerglings have to be micro'd like crazy if you want them to deal maximum damage.


"You got 50,000 on Double Dragon?" * and no I didn't have to look up the quote haha I love the movie that much.

Shhhhh SkyNet knows you're onto her >_> AHHHH *electrocuted*

+1 YES I've thought the same thing. The ring finger and pinky almost never have anything to do. Let 'em earn their keep!

So you're telling me there's NO chance I can get Parkinson's? Sweet!

Hahaha fucking 10.

I have this Mamba, because I can't see myself being able to hit each of those thumb buttons accurately, and I have small hands. Do you find the buttons difficult to push? I also like me wireless when I want to (whenever the battery is charged which is 95% of the time).

In before Nintendo makes this...

Kamataris? Sorry but I literally read this aloud cause it was so funny.

Looks like if you click on the Eye icon, you have three viewing options. One of them is Blog View.

Wait. Is baseball that thing like NASCAR where they always turn left except it's in dirt and they usually take a pit stop four times every lap?


I say there should be more movies of her straddling people with a clear cleavage shot. Day, you know what we like.


Because it's ALWAYS funny. It's like a meta-game with the developers.