
Haha I'm glad you liked it!

It's Mike Tyson from Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!!

After spending what I thought was a decent amount on a PC back in the day for Oblivion, I vowed to never 1. half-ass a PC build (I don't have to now, as I was in high school then, and I have a real job now) and 2. build a computer for just one game. I worked around this by building it for Skyrim AND BF 3 :D So $2,000

Huh. So you haven't even been born yet. Say hi to your mom's vagina for me on your way out! Oh, and please ask her how she plugged herself into the internet for you to get access. I'd love to know!

They also don't tend to review crappy or not famously popular games. They tend to review the games the most people are looking into purchasing, which makes sense.

What....WHAT. Can someone please explain to me how Spiral Knights got best online game design? Seriously. I tried it, and except for the dynamically generated dungeons (I think, and Diablo did this like 15 years ago) there is nothing I saw that set it apart.

Then thank you for the interpretation. :)

"That's why their prices are lower than the rest of the industry and their margins higher"

Yeah, it was haha. I had never bought one and it had the highest rated dependability on Newegg and the highest rated speed. It FLIES, and it's still going strong after 3 months. Crucial RealSSD ftw.

And the PS3 still has hardware that doesn't exist yet. It's like The Unstoppable Force meeting the Immovable Object... everybody wins.

Nope, it's the amazing game that never "really" came out. Probably because it never existed. Hopefully it will, in spirit, with Gearbox's next Duke game. If they never make one, I want my goddamn $60 back, cause that's the only reason I paid full price, knowing that it would help fund the next one.

Yeah, I agree, and I'm not upgrading beyond a quad core proc until people tout the effective increase in AAA games. Luckily, I splurged on an SSD... $500 well spent on a 256 GB. Just the right size, and it hasn't died on me yet.

Too bad many games don't really USE the other cores. I was playing a couple of games yesterday and noticed that one of my 8 "logical" cores (thanks to my hyper threading quad-core) was maxed while a level was loading and the other 7 were twiddling their thumbs. More cores is a lot better on paper, methinks.

Can it play Duker Nukem Fornever?

"That's why their prices are lower than the rest of the industry"

"Certainly demonstrates the diversity of the word."

Quite the contrary, I think the first one was the shit.

I thought this was the game they would talk about the instant I saw the headline. AVGN reviewed it a while ago. Messed up game indeed.