
First, this article is awesome.

Haha I smell a Kotaku shoop contest! Nice work.

Thank you so much for linking that article; I haven't read a solid article that long in a LONG time. I bookmarked it and will be sharing it with others.

Win! I asked Day[9] to "walk like a dragoon" at his PAX East panel last March. Not only did he deliver, but he did me one better and proceeded to "walk like an immortal." My life was completed - Achievement Unlocked: The Daywalker.

what shall I carry?

I was always wondering what the weird REALLY LOUD noise was at the end of every BF 3 trailer. Now I know: it's the lag! ;)

I second this motion.

You clearly have never read an article written by Tim Rogers. He always writes lengthy, heavily biased articles. Some are entirely satire. They're mostly entertaining.

Yeah but lots of parents are in on it. So for a while, it's "ok" for the child to discuss it with his/her friends cause they believe it, too.

oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god.

I'm all for having more direct control on the PC. Now I hope they add that as a control option for PC. Why not, right? WASD worked for WoW, why not this?

It is a shame... but poo poo on them for not playing it. The campaign is so damned easy on Easy (derp) that everyone should try it. They should at LEAST sell a DVD with every single cutscene (including in-game ones) on it for the people that don't want to even do that, but just sit back and enjoy the lovely lovely

Use SteamMover. It makes using an SSD actually worthwhile for gaming. [www.traynier.com]

I've said it before, and I'll say it again. I'd pay $10 to see a Blizzard-made full CG (NOT live-action) movie in theaters at least three times. They blow even Pixar out of the water when it comes to visual fidelity. Not saying Pixar tries for the realistic look, but Blizzard's cutscenes are just more breathtaking,

If they left this build in as DLC for $1, I'd TOTALLY buy it. I'd laugh my ass off for hours.

That's actually really funny that you noticed that the phone in their ad picture is below 30%. Nice spot, sir.

Portal. He LOVED Portal. Rightfully so. Maybe the 4th?

Every time you build a solar-powered tree, God takes this is a threat to his power and blows up one star and a billion trees as depicted above.

Yeah, isn't that the whole point of Google's AdSense? I still completely zone them out and very rarely even acknowledge their existence.