
Hey, if you're gonna get advertised to, at least it'll be more relevant now :/

If Yahtzee (on Zero Punctuation) said he had fun (I've only heard him say good things about maybe 10 games EVER in the 3 years I've watched his videos), it's worth trying for sure.

Of course, the materials to build said tree required the deaths of hundreds of trees and woodland creatures.

In before Dr. Evil hatches a plan to CUT THE INTERNETS.

I, for one, welcome our new Jesus overlords.

Silly Recoil - that's Austrian not Australian!

Well... erm... at least it doesn't let you walk through the corpses like in most games. This is... *cough* more realistic. Ah who cares, it's hilarious!

Tanooki raccoon suit? Since when did 2 completely separate items from Super Mario Bros. 3 become the same? In my mind, the raccoon suit let you FLY for a short period of time if you ran at full speed for a few seconds. The Tanooki suit let you turn into STATUE that CRUSHED enemies, even ones that you couldn't normally

That depends on what your definition of "is" is.

I agree. Brainstorm. Innovate. Revise. Polish. Repeat. Otherwise, have fun with the Darwin Award of Technology cause you didn't even try to survive. Apple wasn't the first to make a laptop (or most of the devices they make), they've just done these five things better than most as of late. And I'll be damned if they're

Wasn't there an article on Gizmodo like within a week ago that damned facebook's ease of adding "Instagram-style filters" to pictures? S/he argued that "now everyone will think they're a master shooper!" I hope these two articles are from different authors/editors, or that's awfully contradictory...

Does that mean you're a chick?

Concept of island fail. Among other fails. Wow. It's not FLOATING on the water!!

Hate to say it, but look at the crap that's on the 360 and PS3. I bet you there are 50 crap games for every good one there, too. The Wii is just the obvious target and for some reason you don't hear about the 360 PS3 crap as much.

Rule #34.

Care to show me a "better" trailer and one that is "more art"? I don't consider myself under-exposed to good art in general, considering some games I've played I would honestly consider fantastic art. I'm genuinely curious about your skepticism of gamer's ability to see the difference between advertisement (basically

Best hockey game ever: Ice Hockey for NES. LOVE that they brought that back on VC for the Wii. Such a complex game for two buttons. Pure design brilliance. Zambonis were the icing on the cake... no pun intended.

Grand Theft Ecstasy and White Spirit by Feed Me!!! This just made my NIGHT! Those are the songs playing in the background. I was literally listening to these like an hour ago. Sweet crossfade, too; it sounded like it was actually one song.

There might be a SMALL case of camel toe. I wouldn't call it a test though.

I, for one, deeply enjoy my Xperia Play. My one gripe is that the 400 MB main "drive" fills up fast, even with moving all apps that can be moved onto my SD card. I didn't realize that you can't move all apps, and even ones that you can move still leave ~200 KB on the main drive. That's OK, though. It just forces me to