
Yes, I forgot id is the other major developer. The thing is, he really wasn't wrong. The 360 and PS3 WERE about the same as PC's... 5 years ago. The PS3 might have been better than 99% of consumer PC's at the time, but it's not now. I'm glad he realized this, and I hope other developers follow. If you can program

This article is very interesting.

My 256 GB SSD laughs at this measly 25 GB! ...for now.

For a second I thought you were gonna say "but now I hate them." I liked how your story ended better than my skepticism.

Aw damnit! When I read the headline, I thought someone made a REAL Mirage Tank from Red Alert 2. Things were awesome.

What's more creepy than that? Oh, wait. CD-I Zelda games are scarier.

Step 5. Profit

Haha The only downside of CRTs' obsolescence.

Tell that to the hundreds of people who are wrongfully accused because cops have it in for you and/or they're crooked and/or bored and/or you were caught in the wrong place at the wrong time.

No more screen-looking!


What if the childhood memory was playing Half-Life 1? Then the wait wouldn't be so bad.

1. I own an Xbox 360, and many other consoles.

I have a 256 GB SSD. I can fit just about all, if not all, of my games. You have no point whatsoever.

Why has no one posted this yet?

As awesome as it looks now, and how great of an idea it was to put the feature in of being able to switch back and forth (another commenter put it perfectly: "why don't all remakes have this?), I still feel like it had the same effect that OoT: 3D had. Which isn't, to say, it's bad. Just... different.

Try thinking of this as a new game console, people. Albeit, a very VERY expensive one that happens to be able to do all the other PC mundane tasks like surfing the web and copying files. I, for one, enjoy the coverage. I'll buy it when it's $1,500 and has a 256 GB SSD, and not a moment sooner. Keep up the coverage,

$27.99!! You heard it here, first.

"Fine," yes. Pit a world-class M and K FPS player against a world-class controller FPS player and see how well that goes. I'm very interested to see that works with CS: GO, as they say PS3 players can use a M and K. I imagine the rift will surface there. Using a mouse is just faster with the same precision as a