
You say they didn't compromise on anything? SSD.


So... you're saying we HAVE to play Twisted Metal on Valentine's Day... TWIST MY ARM!!!

I think this has more to do with everyone feeling the quake at the same time versus people finding out about those other two (relatively distant, geographically) events at different times. My two cents, anyway.

Doesn't the fact that there are so many tremors means it's less likely for a big earthquake to happen? A BIG earthquake happens when pressure builds up over a long period of time. Maybe the pressure is being relieved by the 383 tremors. I'm sure it helps, anyway.

Just watched this while listening to a trance song. So perfectly fitting. Kick 'em... he still keeps on dancin'. What a trooper.

For some reason, I read "envelopes" as "people". I need a nap.

First thought was T-1000. Judgment Day.

I understand the design flaw you describe with tilting your 3DS, and it is annoying. I, however, have no trouble doing so while maintaining the effect. You just lock your entire upper body. Bend only at your torso, and you're fine.

...and some people say PC gaming is dead. Poo-poo on them.

Kickass trailer.

RTS port to consoles will never work, purely because of the controls used. (Unless you plug a keyboard and mouse into the console, that is.) Diablo could very well work on a console.

*in Strong Bad voice* NO. You're NOT.

I'm glad you enjoyed it!

PR person, Aubrey Norris, go tell your dev team that killing you is, in fact, the PERFECT solution! Play some heavy breathing sounds to indicate that the character is getting tired, maybe even make them go slower. You swim out for another few seconds, you drown. So what if you have to lose a little cash? That's the

I have an interest in bedding British people. If they're birds.

Why does it show a teenager blacked out in the picture? Are they promoting kids under 17 to play it even though it's a Mature game? FOR SHAME!

Daaaamn. He flashed 3 C-notes! He should just buy Diablo 3 like *does quick Math* 5 times!!

Beats me. I hope you can understand how I thought you were being a jerk! All is forgiven.

My dad used to work for DEC aka digital that used to be the king of computer sales for a while. Anyway, he told me about a very important business trip they were going to have with a team of Apple employees. Now, DEC knew that Apple had a very casual work environment, including wearing casual clothes to work. So, my