
Wait, wait, hold the PHONE. You can't say he did the "voice of Yoshi" without clarifying which one. We talkin the uber best Yoshi sounds EVER in Mario Mart 64? Or are we talking about the wicked annoying Yoshi noises from Yoshi's Story? This is extremely important, because I've always wanted to know who I should

haha You're very welcome.

I see you got an A in Cynicism 101. Lighten up ;)

I'll take #3 if the girl comes with it. Assume the position!

"Yeah, paint me naked!"

It's a shame some girls are just wired that way. It's asshole-ish to me too. I don't think I could be with a girl if that pick-up line worked. So, in a sense, I could use that, and if they suddenly seem interested in me... I wouldn't be interested in them. Great way to weed out the undesirables!

But... it sounds fun. And they don't even need to pay to maintain it!

Not sucking is what ALL true warriors strive for!

If only to be very close to Portia de Rossi... I wish I was Ellen.

Once again, I couldn't have put it better myself! How could I forget?! Me + ContinentHopper + Dragons = most epic battle ever conceived.

Did I write this post? These are my sentiments, EXACTLY. :)

Because it's easier for me to to just start a fresh new friends list without pruning through my facebook one. Plus, (no pun intended) I like Google's overall approach with Circles better anyway. I like being able to share to specific people about specific things. My parents don't care about any of my video

Hahaha This post is amazing purely because of all the pure gold in the comments. Can't stop laughing at work.

I don't think Google+ is Work Facebook. I think Google+ now has what facebook had when it started: a clean slate. Facebook is so garbled with crap I don't care about at all, but when it started it was "oh a myspace that isn't cluttered with crap." Now it's exactly that.

For me, re-adding everyone is a plus. I don't feel like going through my facebook to delete people that "aren't really my friend" and how do I decide the cut off? Easy, I make a new Google+ account, which I already did. I add people naturally as I feel that they'll be interested in what I have to say, which is how my

So did the Bus in Speed, aka the main (albeit voiceless) character.

My point is that they put in roughly 5 years of development time for a complete game (it is complete) and so they charged full price. StarCraft II stands on its own. That's like saying they shouldn't have charged full price for any other game with a sequel just because they know they're going to release another one.

I have mine set on 70, and I always wear just gym shorts and boxers around my house in the Summer or I'm constantly sweating / sticking to my computer chair. It cools just my bedroom, but it gets hot from the heat outside and the heat of my computer otherwise.

You're delusional and cynical. StarCraft II: WoL had a full $60 worth of content by any video game standard. 29 missions which lasted me at least 30 hours of play time. I'll be playing the multi-player for 10 years at least, and I'm sure I'll delve back into the single-player campaign again when the expo packs

Can't even remember how many times I typed that in.