
Didn't think you were sarcastic cause your first post said that he wouldn't make any cash. Pretty sure you weren't being sarcastic. Your second post was about DotA not making any cash, so I had no reason to believe you were being sarcastic this time either.

Oh it's just a silly meme; its origin is something I don't know. They are definitely still very good, you just VERY VERY rarely see them in top-level play, which is a shame. Maybe the meta-game will evolve to a point where the Carrier role is actually useful.

Funny how Microsoft and Nintendo both start numbering their "flagship" (Mario Kart may not be the biggest, but it's a damn big franchise) at number 7. Wonder how many marketing focus groups they had to use to decide it was time to use lucky number 7.

If this mod goes on sale, it will make money. Heroes of Newerth has made money and so has League of Legends. Valve believes it's such a money-maker that they're making their own DotA style game.


You're uninformed. Blizzard is releasing StarCraft Marketplace at some point (they've said they want to release it with the first SC 2 expansion) that will allow modders to sell their work.

Touche, sir.

Doesn't this usually happen when they announce "a new console is coming out next year?" Anyone who doesn't have a Wii now most likely won't want to buy one that will be one-upped in about a year. Makes sense to me.

+1 just for the headline pic! Perfect movie with the most relevant screenshot I think could possibly have been selected.

A group of my friends went into an Apple store, one of whom had the intent to purchase something. One of them said "fuck" in their conversation, and an Apple store employee came over and firmly demanded that they refrain from swearing, as he was teaching a class (none of my friends found out what was teaching to some

I had to read this like 3 times haha I was so confused. I think you meant you "hadn't gotten it in years."

I meant "big whoop" in the sense that, OK, your social life may seem to be permanently destroyed, but that's nothing compared to having an arrest for sexual harassment on your police record forever. After high school, you may never see the same people again, so that kinda stuff goes in the past. There's a good chance

I'm 23, and I played this game every Halloween laaaate into the night when I was like 12-16 I think. Good times. I totally agree with the M rating, anywho. On with the violence!

As a girl, you'd be called a slut; big whoop. As a guy, you'd probably be detained or even arrested for sexual harassment if the girl didn't like it.

Did he throw a man into the soccer ball to score a goal with a header, and then... call him... a cunt?

Great now s/he'll never eat anything again ;)

I remember playing the original StarCraft on my tablet PC using two styluses and it worked fairly well. My right hand would stay on the command card (the buttons in the lower right) and my left hand would essentially draw commands on the screen. Considering this design was not intended at all, I thought it worked

Aside from the seemingly random stutters once in a while with Grooveshark's streaming, I'm extremely satisfied with their service. Their Android app is superbly designed, as well, which is usually where I'm using it. I also lucked out with the early adopter yearly subscription of $30/year. That's a STEAL compared to

How much do I have to pay to put more gigahertz in my computer?!

Wow, you and me both! Probably cause everyone got/rented a Sega CD after they had already beaten Sonic and needed moar Sonic. (That was me, too.) Ah, the good ol' days when you could RENT a console from Blockbuster or Funcoland with ease.