
"Perhaps Nintendo sees the massive threat posed to their portable gaming business by the increasingly-relevant and increasingly-popular portable gaming on the iPhone, iPad and Droid and recognizes the need to do something drastic in the home console wing of their industry."

Was just about to post this haha +1

I think they're supposed to be women-currently-but-past-men.


Integrates with local files sounds nice, but I'm not exactly sure what that entails / how that benefits me. Could you explain that part more?

LOVE the picture from the Wire. I even identified the show without even reading the description. It never even occurred to me while watching the show that it was a MASSIVE font haha

Agreed. Prototype was way more fun / better than I thought it would be, maybe because I had low expectations. It was just plain and solid fun. Looking forward to the next one. Hopefully they spend more time on the plot, as it wasn't horrible, but it was merely passable.

Grooveshark's library is ginormous. There are only a few songs that aren't on it that I've tried to search for. Is proper tagging really the only other advantage Spotify has over Groveshark? If so, I think I'll pass.

I understand that it's legitimate. I'm asking for advice about specific features from someone who has used both extensively, because I've used Grooveshark a great deal, pay for it, and want to know if Spotify is worth making the switch. I've already "saved" thousands of songs and I don't want to have to start my music

I still fail to see how this is any different from Grooveshark. Could anyone who's used both clarify this for me and anyone else who's thinking the same thing?

Mike Fahey, you sound exactly like Will Wright. Connotation and all. Be proud, as this is an extreme honor.

Oh, then I feel stupid >.< derecho actually makes more sense now. Why does he call it a Jericho missile? It's not an impenetrable wall. It's a god damn Death's Head (if anyone remembers Scorched Earth like 20 years ago), which matches a derecho far better.

Soooo... it's Grooveshark? I have that and I love it.

No, I'm really not. I really thought he said Jericho. Here I am, trying to thank a fellow internetter for helping me out, and you think I'm trolling. What a sad internet in which we now reside. The worst part is that even as I'm writing this, I can't make it not sound like trolling. It's becoming more and more

I love seeing seeing industry devs and vets connected to the same fandom that average gamers (me) regularly take part in. It makes me ever more happy with the industry as a whole.

THAT'S what he said! I always thought he said Jericho, which would make no sense. Thank you for the clarification.

StreetCleanCraft. Patent pending!

:D Love to hear the agreement. They didn't add a hundred units into the game just for the sake of a bullet point on the box. It's like Chess. It has all the essential pieces which each have their own distinct purpose. Any more units and they'd be doubling up on roles.

I love Portal 2, and this is precisely why I ignore anyone who says "StarCraft 2 is exactly like StarCraft 1, so why should I buy it?" Sure, it's like StarCraft 1 in that it doesn't fudge with their perfected formula. It has enough new units, new interface, new replay/observer system, and enough new campaign. Don't