
My bad, I didn't mean screenshot, I meant the headline art picture. I knew he was righty in Twilight Princess to match the player. Just seems like they should keep him lefty in their artsy concept art.

WAIT just a holler-pickin MINUTE! Link is supposed to be left-handed. In the screenshot above, he's righty! What gives?!

Dat Sheik.

There is no other game that works better for mentoring than StarCraft II. I. LOVE. StarCraft. I love showing it to people, love playing it with people, and now I love teaching people how to play it. Being able to spectate my friend playing against a computer lets me see everything he's doing and everything the

So I watched some of that first linked video, and the music starts off well but then it onslaughts my ears with its grating sound. I LOVE chiptunes. Maybe it's a bad recording, but it's certainly not "amazing" to me.

They already did this in Spider-Man 2! He was a scientist gone mad and the world was never the same...

Am I the only one waiting extremely anxiously in anticipation of a screamer where her face would suddenly become deformed accompanied with a high-pitched shriek? What has the internet done to me...

Ditto. +1 to you and +1 to Gizmodo

Bless their little asshat hearts (and their moms for letting them stay up late to play longer; you can always hear them asking).

"...we are not nerds."

+1 reference point.

Satire at its best. It's been too long, Rogers.

In before Kotick sues them for trademark infringment.


I just want to point out that I mentally filled in that last blank with a "pr". Then I realized you wanted me to fill it in with a "d". Wonder what that means.

Do.......... want ............................ *brain melts*

Congratulations!! I really wanted this haha

Also, you forgot to put in Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning I just realized. It just received Best New IP from GameTrailers. Then it hit me.

I still don't understand why it's so difficult to keep the 3D in focus. Sure, my swivel chair makes it easier, but seriously. It's very easy for me to move the console around and not tilt my head. Controlling the slingshot in OoT 3D with the tilt controls is sweet, and IMHO even better with 3D!

<3 back at ya!