
Willst thou soar? Or willst thou take it, you son of a bitch?

The moment I found out that he designed Jazz Jackrabbit like a week ago, I was ecstatic. Make another Jazz Jackrabbit!!!


It's time to purchase Kinect and hone your move-busting skills, lest you be left outside of the club because a youngan said you "have a broom up your arse."

Yes, I was here when it first changed. Maybe I just didn't notice the changes of the redesign. I've always used whatever default layout Kotaku offers, and I wasn't aware of any options until just now haha I like it now, either way.

Huh. I use Firefox on my PC and it's always worked for me.

I still don't understand why everyone hates the redesign so much. It's fine for me. I can keep my place at the right as I have one tab open for Kotaku instead of 5 before so I could keep track whether I had opened pages on all the headlines I was interested in.

It's possible that they just hired more people to handle TF2 and it's not impacting their other games. I mean... Valve makes a LOOOOOOT of money.

Halo: CE = best in series. First one I ever played. Used to have parties at my house and friends' houses with 4 Xboxes and Ethernet cable around the house. Fuckin' fantastic times!

I cannot WAIT to play these games on my brand-spankin' new (yet unbuilt) screaming PC on my 40" TV that's 4 feet away from my face as I sit in my computer chair. It's nice to have been a gamer all my life and finally have a real job and the money to build a top-of-the-line PC. Looking back, it makes me appreciate it

and "Love". He loves his teacher!

I've never owned a CoD, either. In retrospect, I probably gave that impression.

I was in a top-2 guild on Mannoroth. Everyone has since disbanded/moved on to other games/moved on with their lives. Getting 40 people was no problem at all for us, and it was fucking awesome taking down high-level bosses together. I just didn't get the same feeling with a 25-man, although it was close.

Working as intended. Seriously. It looks like they put that in on purpose it works so well haha

Pre-ordered it before I even knew about this whole expo pack malarky, and I've never bought BF before. It just looks so awesome!

1 problem down, 1 to go. Your move, Blizzard. I damn well hope that your next MMO has 40+ man raids as the gold standard of teamwork. Make it happen! It is seriously the definition of epic!


There's no problem with asking us... ask me and you shall receive cash moneys!

That's because GLaDOS assimilated Steam shortly before Portal 1 was released. She is very VERY self-aware. Judgment Day is upon us!

I literally JUST switched phones. I know for a fact that it said $29.99 a month for unlimited data so if I don't get it at least for the duration of this phone (2 years) there'll be hell to pay, big V!