
Huh, thanks for the info. I had not heard that. That really blows :( Knew it was only a matter of time. Hopefully I get grandfathered and can continue to get unlimited...

Verizon most definitely has unlimited data for $30/month. I've been using it for almost 2 years now and I've never been capped.

"if i turn this on and interact with it I'm going to experience something good."

My Wii broke :( so no. I'd like to be able to play it multiplayer on my 3DS. It's not exactly graphically taxing, so it seems reasonable. Thank you for the info, though!

Video not found!

But why does the leaf give him the tanooki suit in this video? That makes no sense. And how come he couldn't turn into a statue in the video? Unless he just didn't know how. So many questions!!

That, could be true.

I think he was referring to the lumbering slowness of the heavy Knight class as he could not dodge roll effectively. Hopefully the rogue-ish class will maintain their speed (read: dodge roll effectiveness), or the trade-off would be pointless.

Did you ever watch Celebrity Jeopardy (the BEST recurring skit from SNL, ever)? He played like ten different celebrities perfectly. He's got talent, whether you like him or not.

Pretty sure it's the raccoon suit, not the tanooki suit. The tanooki suit is the one that lets you turn into a statue in Super Mario 3 ( think it's only in one level? ) Unless I'm the one misunderstanding the terms...

I can never see or hear the name Paul Allen without thinking of the quote "HEY PAUL!" from American Psycho. Not sure if that's good or bad; it's a fantastic movie.

Nintendo thinks that their "new IP" is Wii [insert Sports, Resort, Party, generic name]. I 100% agree with you. It's literally to the point their IP's are so old that there is literally next to nothing fresh that they could possibly do that is both innovative and won't alienate long-time fans. You can't alienate


Holy shit I never knew about Duke Nukem II. I definitely played a lot of the first game, though. Good times breaking the family's computer when I was around 5 trying to get as many games to work as possible... DOS wasn't stable >.<

I've never seen that before, and that trailer is still awesome! ...and wtf Terminator? haha

Damn straight! I know I only played it when I was like 5 because I had never realized until playing it on the 3DS that B makes you go faster but heats up your engine, and the little arrow piece cools your engine off. My only complaint was that they REALLY should have made it multi-player. Couldn't have been THAT

I wish that you would have given it a better showing of at least an action-packing part of the game. I saw clips of the game from the Jace Hall Show and those clips are what sold me on the game. 12-year-olds shrieking about "how fucking awesome" the game was is hilarious and inspiring somehow.

Can I get a HELL YEAH?! Thanks for the heads up! :D

It really. REALLY. is. It is my favorite plot twist of ANYTHING EVER.

I know the feeling all too well. PAX East has been like that, and that's only 3 days, instead of 5. It sucks :( E3 come to Boston!