
BOSTON BOSTON BOSTON!! PAX East is here and that's where it should go!!

Honestly, I probably would have pegged BioShock Infinite higher but they really didn't show much at all of it at E3. They showed FAR more with their 10 minute gameplay video they released like at least 6 months ago.

@harlequin115 WHOA WHOA WHOA where's the spoiler alert?! ;)

You have to mine for REAL. Now that would make the Kinect-built exact replica of the USS Enterprise in Minecraft full of far more devotion than the one made on the PC haha

This is how humble Iwata is. He didn't say "most popular franchises like Zelda or Mario." He said competitors' franchises. He is now The Man.

@toto320 That's just it, though. I enjoy both of those kinds of games very much. I played Kotor for 40 hours, beat the campaign, and it was the most amazing plot twist I've ever experienced in my life. I LOVED Kotor. I love each experience for their own merits. Sure, I might have been more "immersed" in Kotor, but


@MrGOH I understand your point, and yes I agree it's a bit odd. What I'm saying is: to say it has no lasting effect is unfair. The point of a game is the experience, not necessarily the outcome. If you get to experience the outcome of winning, it would be unfair for another person to now be unable to experience that

omg I forgot about Pazaak... game is soooo gooood!!

So that's why the cars in Cars are always so happy...

Food for thought: delete your save file. Your actions had no lasting effect. You can now do it all over again. Single-player games only create the illusion of lasting effects because no one can delete your save file but you.

Day one buy, since everyone knows Nintendo doesn't drop the price until 3 months before the next Mario Kart comes out. Which is fine, usually, because people are still buying them until then because they're such solid games.