
Welp. Way to smash my hopes and dreams forever, whoever made that decision. Thank you for telling me this before buying the game, slamming it into the disc tray, and my disbelief that what you told me is true.

Please confirm so I can justify crying in a corner...

Buy another one so they'll announce Leaf Green or Crystal Clear 3DS!! :D

I think I heard that Nintendo is unveiling their new online system by week's end. Hopefully? Just me? Maybe? Please....?? *runs away crying*

Xbox Live. Until now, the original feel of Halo: CE's multi-player game (which many feel was the best) could never be played online officially. I remember playing online using Xbox connect. Almost impossible to find a game with good, let alone decent, latency. For some, this is HUGE. It may or not be for me. We'll

You forgot to wear the glasses. Newb ;)

and that's why the NGP is the worst name ever, not to mention how gratingly generic it is. They should have just called it "Mine's Better."

They must wow everyone with their Xsquare. It's two dimensional. One atom thick. Boo yah.

See, not supporting GBA makes more sense, because the system would have to be larger in order to fit that separate cartridge. GC discs should be able to "fit" without much modification at all. The Wii disc tray handled it just fine.

I'm making a note here: HUGE SUCCESS!

Nice! Time to go out and get me an Xbox 30! ;)

I am so glad that they didn't make the silly "one stick above and one stick below" of the 360. It simply doesn't make any sense. Symmetry = win, not just aesthetically, but functionally, too.

One question, Nintendo. Why didn't you name the "bumpers" like on the 360 controller L and R, and the "triggers" ZL and ZR? Doesn't that make more sense, since the original Z button on the N64 controller was a trigger? Just makes more sense to me...