
What kinds of games do you play?

What is significant about the other 20%? What do they have in common? I can't think of anything other than maybe fat fingers...

If he was a girl you wouldn't have minded her telling you. I'm impressed with his openness.

Wow. Once again, this why is I hate the Apple store. I got to play this at PAX East with a few friends, and it was wicked fun. I pre-ordered it (I think for PC), but I also wanted to buy it for my iPad so I could use motion controls. Apple, STOP squelching original ideas, even if they're off-color. Sheesh.

"Then came the car chase. Rockstar's professional game demonstrator made Cole Phelps' car hop a curb and subsequently neither served nor protected the citizen standing in the way of his bumper. That elicited the group guffaw. The poor bystander got smacked by a fender, but Cole Phelps, in pursuit with his partner

Is it just me or are her thighs actually larger than her hips?

Why is it crap now?

Sounds like you should be developing a game that you design. Those are really cool ideas!

I just mentioned that because it's made by Rockstar as well.

Why would they promote you if you were a crappy crime solver? It wouldn't work with the overall plot. You'd be stuck doing "he stole my bike" cases. I'd rather take a mulligan and get the heavy-hitting homicides.

...or Grand Theft Auto :)

Funny how marketing the Wii to children makes far less annoying spoiled brats and jerks want to buy it. Keep marketing to the "square" crowd, Nintendo! Everyone knows square people are nerdy but nice.

I could tell by briefly playing the beta that there is a storyline. Not sure how deep it goes, though, as I didn't play it for long. I didn't want to bother playing without a real-life friend, so I just stopped. I don't remember any quests.

Isn't the instance new? There can be great value in dungeon'ing through a familiar space with new changes. Nostalgia, for one. Just look at Portal 2, which I enjoyed thoroughly!

I think the main problem is that not enough people have 3D screens with which to market. Every ad was disclaimer'd with "Must see on 3D screen to display 3D content." That's a hard sell for Nintendo.

The iPhone doesn't really suit any DS gaming needs for anyone. It doesn't have Nintendo first-party games, it doesn't use a stylus, and it has one button. If you mean casual gaming, then that's true.

1. I've played plenty of Xbox. The PS3 controller layout (symmetrical sticks) just makes more sense to me, not to mention symmetrical and therefore more aesthetically pleasing.

These mockups are simply amazing! Well done.

Death and taxes and BSOD. The best part is that the acronym still applies even though it's black instead of blue!

So by your theory they should say it'll take a month knowing it'll take about a week. Then, everyone will hunker down in their bomb shelters and miss the "ON" announcement after just 7 days. Sony can't win these days :(