
Are you touting jailbreaking as an iPad feature? I'm fairly certain that Apple fought to make jailbreaking illegal and lost, at least once. Android is by FAR the more customizable OS, normally. I don't know what Sony will do to prevent it.

Dear Sony,

Compliments of my friend, it should be called WiiTouch eChuther.

...but ... if there is only one winner... then surely you were the only one playing! There can be no losers because then they'd feel terrible! /sarcasm

lol'd at WiiPete

Awesome fan art.

...and suddenly Face/Off becomes much more practical.


It's pretty much always "Best used by" or "Sell by" which can be inferred to mean the first one.


Is it just me or did the guy at the very beginning of the video look like he practically side-arm pitched that ball?

There's a category for "ass"? As in "kick some ass"? I hope that phrase doesn't make it a T game... it should be AO! What vulgarities! /sarcam

Valve probably expected more people to buy the Potato Sack. I personally know only one other person who bought it, so it's more that the community didn't buy/play enough of the required games. If twice as many people played them/gathered potatoes, we would have been playing the game for 12 hours already. I got all 36

Please put out one of these a month and keep it on Top, as these are very informative. Thank you!!

What are you racist? ;)

Usually I just lose some clothes while my house cools off a little. Works for me! No point in having a shirt on while I'm by myself.

It really really does!

I completely agree! I can only hope that this isn't the last time that they do this.

It wasn't a trick. :) I'm glad I'm able to support indie dev in this fashion, and I think it's fantastic what Valve is doing for the indie scene right now.