
Honestly, the only time I ever heard that sound was when I was at my friend's house and we were about to play Twisted Metal 2. So, by association, that sound is the best one. My brain wants that sound to be followed by the loud sounds of guns-on-cars!

The only duo better than Bert & Ernie would be Statler & Waldorf. If they came complete with authentic voice-overs *shudders with glee*

This game looks awesome! I vaguely remember hearing about it a long time ago. I don't imagine there's a release date or it'd be posted here?

If you're gonna let 16 characters through, Nintendo, honestly every swear word there is could be in there. You might as well let it be at LEAST 140.

I wholeheartedly agree. Too bad it's probably owned by Microsoft and so would never be on the 3DS. It really would be a fantastic game on it! Subtle 3D effect of pinball would be terrific.

Is there a way to "move" or "sort" your Friend list after you add people? That's the only thing stopping me from adding all of you. I'd like to be able to place my real-life friends first after I add other people, no offense.

The way I saw it, the price of the system isn't going down/they aren't coming out with a newer version SKU before Christmas for sure. This means that I might as well be able to enjoy it for these 9 months, instead of paying the same price when OoT 3D and Star Fox 3D come out. Seemed like a no-brainer to me.

3D Pinball Space Cadet might be one of the best built-in freebies ever. In fact, it should have been built-in to the 3DS. It already has 3D in the name!

Someone could make an Honorable Mention list which consists of every title that was on the list but has since been removed.

See, I thought that this would use the person's webcam and give a subtle reflection in their wallpaper. Now THAT would be cool.

... and we fell asleep after the 15th step.

Then I stand corrected! Yahtzee was the only opinion I had, and I agree that I probably shouldn't have believed him without seeing it for myself. But alas, I'm not buying a giant 3D TV any time soon. Student loans...


Yahtzee actually isn't biased at all. He's completely over the top, but he's not biased. He's not a hater of any particular item, he scrutinizes absolutely everything.

Not true. He even did his favorite top 5 from last year. And honestly, most of the gripes he has about games are actually true, albeit hyperbole to the extreme. I'd like to see Killzone 3's 3D myself, but I'm not dropping $1000+ on 3D for a few games that "might" have a good 3D effect.

Um. Yahtzee from Zero Punctuation says that 3D for Killzone 3 doesn't work very well, either. How about you at least try to be unbiased?

This is a great start to honoring the selfless *good* hackers! This is exactly what we need to bring back the positive connotation of the word "hacker."

I don't know why I thought there wouldn't be a coin/day cap. Silly me thinking I had outsmarted Nintendo. Thanks for the video! Haha I knew it was only a matter of time.

I hate being a grumpy guss... but can't someone just put their 3DS on something that vibrates as much as a person walks to get those Coins? Has anyone tried this? I kinda want to just to see if it works.

Sorry about the double post.