
Reminds me of the Game Gear...

Very intriguing...

I'm glad they're not making it 3D. It means the consumer will, once again, get to decide between traditional power (Sony's way, for more pristine graphics), or an entirely different experience (Nintendo's way, as with the Wii's motion controls).

@Some_Guy2: Who's throwing a fit? I'm not being sarcastic.

@Stiggers: Thank you being the rational one and comparing prices with similar devices. I wish more people would do this instead of shrieking about the "3DS' OUTRAGEOUS PRICE GOUGING!!!11"

@FarmboyinJapan: Scandalous! The author is promoting the un-use of protection while waggling! Consequently, Babiies everywhere.

I just realized a fatal flaw and it makes me sad. It's like the card game Mao; it's only fun as long as someone doesn't know how to play it correctly.

I await how the mainstream media will swing this one. I can see it now...

@Touchstone: It's because there's been significant inflation since 2003. It has nothing to do with that the PSP is/was popular. It's that the PSP sold for the equivalent of $300+ today back in 2003.

It is times like these that I am glad that I've only eaten at a Taco Bell like 3 times in my whole time.

@DARTH_TIGRIS: Not to be a debbie downer, but does that include PC (Steam) sales? I bet it doesn't. Something tells me that most people bought ME2 for the PC.

That's awesome... you are very close to being able to play Left 4 Dead on your computer, and then play it in real life as soon as the zombie apocalypse happens in 2012 (I keeed, I keeeeed).

From what others have said, I'm sure that this is a truly deserving game. I only wish that StarCraft II had been nominated if only because that's the only game I had time (and the desire) to play last year, and I would have been able to give input and/or compare what others say to my personal experience. StarCraft II

@Tuxed: There are way too many other great games I'd rather play first, (not saying Pokemon Black/White isn't great) and this is a wonderful problem to have as a gamer.

@RilleL: If you've watched some of the earlier episodes, they really are funny. If you have Netflix, watch Pizza Delivery (it's only like 12 minutes long), and I bet you'll laugh!

@Maximegalon: I believe the "These Children Need To Calm The Eff Down" should have hinted at loud excitement. They're children. What do children do when they're excited? They calmly smile and nod? :3

@Nibel: Hear, hear. I'm sick of everyone bitching about the price Nintendo decided on. I'm 99% sure that the device will sell out on day 1 like the Wii did, and continue to be sold out for like 2 years or something crazy.

@Deunan: I don't see those "sticks" competing with full controller analog sticks. But what do I know.

@TopHatLayton: I left when I bought Pokemon Stadium for $80 on launch day when I was like 12 or something. Come to think of it, that might have been the first game I ever pre-ordered. That was definitely the last Pokemon game I'd ever buy... ....