
the talent working on those books is fucking stacked. Mark Waid? Fiona Staples? Chip Zdarsky? Amazing.

but where will Americans go for their fix of overwrought warbly renditions of songs stripped of all their original character or warmth now?

oooh those Idol people (both the contestants and the fans) hate it when you call it a "game show".

somewhere some mom is making her kid eat his/her vegetables otherwise Courtney Love will come to their room, unhinge her jaw, and swallow them whole.


Got it, Damon Lindelof writing Neil Blomkamp's Alien sequel it is then!

"…the magician?"

I always thought he'd go to jail for selling rhyme by the gram

What in the holy fuck. No Batman: The Animated Series for B? Even a runner up mention?

brilliant. they reboot him just in time for Civil War. Civil War happens, Back In Black happens, then eventually the one thing Spider-Man fans have been long waiting for - One More Day storyline happens, and they get to reboot him AGAIN.

I'd love for them to dig into Cool World, the Roger Rabbit ripoff from the early 90s with Brad Pitt and Kim Basinger

they rarely missed a beat on that show. the sheer speed and timing of jokes on Harvey Birdman makes it one of the funniest shows ever. severely underrated.

I'd rather have a bunch of his fans corralled onstage and have a crowd boo them for a solid half hour. That would be a whole lot more satisfying.

yeah Klaus has definitely come around from a one-note gimmick character (a Seth Macfarlane requisite of at least one wacky talking animal per show) to a fairly fleshed out character. Everyone loves a sad sack/punching bag character that's handled well; couple that with some choice lines pointing to his deviant nature

"This one's going straight to Instagram. Oh, Klaus already Liked it, thanks Klaus!"
"Nooo, thank YOU!"

It's sad when you realize that the exact unfunny hacks who Roger Meyers Jr. threw his nameplates at for being out of touch with what made Itchy and Scratchy funny, would actually be writing for the Simpsons in real life.

hopefully they'll license Weezer's "In the Garage" and have them rewrite it to be "In the Grudge"

"Ach! I'm here to save you Sarah Michelle-Gellar! I-URRRKH!" *axe in the back*

"Hey Tom Thanks, let's do a Forrest Bump."

his delivery always has me laughing. The "welcome to hell, idiot!" line got the biggest laugh from in the episode.