
Gladstone is the worst writer on the Cracked staff. He uses his articles as a snide soapbox, a showcase for his horrible writing, a chance to show off that "one cool photo of [the writer] from the 90s", and wax poetic about Soundgarden for the umpteenth time. He tries desperately to be edgy and contrarian but comes

*Cartman voice* Alec Baldwin is fucking cool, huh?

I'm imagining Alex Trebek enjoying a glass of brandy at home, randomly coming across this interview and doing a massive spit-take in the parts about his off-stage persona.


fucking disgusting. and I'm sorry but one million cunts or whatever they call themselves can't distance themselves from this saying it doesn't reflect on them and it's just some "bad apples". fuck you, if you say one of you represents all of you, and YOU'RE the ones who called unnecessary action on an innocuous tv

surprise surprise, Lori's as much of a bitch in the TV show as she is in the comics. The scene where she was chewing out the doc, the guy WHO IS TRYING TO SAVE HER SON, made me wish Rick would just shoot her in the head. What an ungrateful bitch.

Farmville could be cool if it was a spiritual sequel to A Scanner Darkly, where they show what life is like on the SPOILER ALERT D farm, and perhaps show people trying to figure out what they're doing there and attempting a daring escape - or is it all just an illusion generated by the farm to keep the

jesus christ, English major, we can tell you wasted years of your life analyzing one chapter from Ulysses. can you seriously write about a cartoon family without referencing the Death and Taxes and The Seventh Seal in your first paragraph alone? If this review was any more pretentious, it'd be knocking back PBRs while

this horrible show had every single earmark of hacky sitcoms that The Simpsons have lampooned for years. all the stock one-note characters, forced "jokes", ridiculous situations that only happen in a sitcom, attempts at being "edgy" with a distinctly assembled-by-committee approach…did the show's writers seriously