FKA Printersanonymous

Republican in the front, skinhead in the back.

I sincerely hope 20-something years from now this little girl, now a full grown woman, has an eureka moment and say to this guy “You were a police officer, a figure of authority with the task of serve and protect. You had my mom right in front of you, in desperate need of help. And your answer to that human being,

Tonight we just saw an orange tub of lard play the Hitler card.

I really hope Trump sues her for violating her NDA (even if she doesn’t do anything beyond facial cues). It would just prove whole thing true.

If Kimmel were smart he’d film early and get clips out there just before Trump starts the State of the Union. Get him all wound up so he goes off the teleprompter and has a meltdown. #goodtv

My wife teaches world cultures. In middle school. In Texas. Yes, schools are catered to parents who think they know better than teachers. Students have an... odd kind of power over their teachers. This is all true.

King is a child. The teacher is an adult. He did in fact pose a challenge to this educator. Some teachers are bureaucrats. Some truly are talented artists who inspire. You can either accept a challenge as an opportunity or a disappointment.

You’re taking a lot of liberties in assessing what did and did not happen in this situation. I wonder if she actually did say this and not the perhaps bullshit that you assume she probably said. In my experience, teachers will often treat young students as if they are completely clueless to anything that their lesson

King Johnson, your journal entry is spot-on. Good job.

I can’t even imagine how hard it is to fit into those outfits when you’re always retaining water.

Not to mention NO MENTION WHATSOEVER on releasing and relaxing those muscles! Because people should just keep them engaged for an hour and go on with their day! Madness.

Exactly. Witnessing teachers tell rooms full of women to essentially do bad Kegels —not for pelvic girdle stability or anything like that—throughout an entire aerobics class was horrifying. I’ve gone through years of pelvic floor PT and yoga specifically for the pelvic floor (thanks Endometriosis) so I thank my lucky

As an old, in my mind, Vice was the American Apparel of media. Dov Charney (and Terry Richardson) skeevy with a huge dollop of pothead bro.

Does the entire world have amnesia? Do we all not remember what Vice was in the early days? Even for the nineties, the level of misogyny, homophobia, & just vile, puerile shittiness towards anyone not like them was insane. But, of course, always cloaked in a hip, ironic, wink wink, we don’t really mean it vibe.

I thoroughly appreciate your educated weigh in on the subject. I know so many people that have experienced pelvic floor dysfunction and pain from improper overwork of those muscles. One friend’s specialist told her to stop doing kegels (entire half of her pelvic floor was basically one big charlie horse), and I was

You’re a marvelous teacher; it shows.

Thank you for the more scholarly background to fill the answer far more deeply — and inspiration to do some exercises, right now. ♡

THIS. I went to a Barre class and was horrified by the lightening speed we were transitioning from one form of exercise to another, with very few form corrections. I did NOT go back.

I tried Barre, gave it a sustained and repeated chance, but the mix of Pilates, yoga, and dance along with pelvic floor focus just left me with the impression that the teachers were by no means experts in any of those things and were leading us all dangerously close to injury.

My pleasure. Pilates is used quite a lot by dancers from what I understand for greater flexibility/limberness. I’m fond of the Women’s Health Series myself but I’m more of a book person than a video one.