Dr. Galazkiewicz

Never trust a guy who calls himself a feminist

Don’t worry i’m sure you’ll get the chance to dismiss the accounts of many more women!

They’re definitely doing this for shitty reasons, but Gaiman himself is admitting to the encounters and just claiming they were consensual, which is... questionable given that one of them was with a nanny 40 years his junior and it happened within hours of her starting on the job.

Cabin Boy has to be my favorite role for Andy Richter, the Swedish-German. God I love that weird movie.

If O’Neal came back I’d punch out a junkie and steal his meth.

Rabin’s back? Rabin’s back! Nobody mention jellybeans—we don’t want to scare him away!

Counterpoint: she’s just not a good actress and is uncharismatic, monotone, and dead-eyed in pretty much all of her roles. She’s at her best in talk show appearances when she’s just being a version of herself.


see, i don’t get the whole “prickly intelligence and iron will” bit at all. Honestly, she appears vapid and remarkably uncharismatic - or have i just missed the movies where she displays this intelligence and will thing? Any suggestions?

It’s Rabin! Now bring back Sean O’Neil, Tasha Robinson, and Zodiac Motherfucker!

Swifties are about as rational as the Beyhive. Humourless self-appointed guardians of insanely wealthy people that don’t need the protection. They look for the insult, find it, then rally the soldiers.

Monsieur Spade was an asinine mess, with one of the most ridiculous finale ever shot.

a gender binary that doesn’t really fit with today’s world, where most understand gender expression as existing on a spectrum rather than fixed binaries

When you’re so progressive you go backwards to men mostly winning everything.

I’m going to stump here for Smiling Friends season 2. It is even more bizarre and hilarious than the previous, awesome season, with just as many eccentric new ideas, characters, and a variety of animated madness that still manages to stay cohesive within its own bizarre world logic. Fans of Adult Swim animation

“I believe in innocent until proven guilty and I believe in justice.”

Damn, I had hoped the new ownership meant the end of slideshows.

Love her, and love her honesty and openness. I’m glad she’s sharing her experiences and giving voice to so many who have felt this way. 

Can’t blame her at all. MS sounds like utter hell.

Unpopular opinion: Much like the Star Wars franchise, itself, Spaceballs isn’t that great, overall, but it’s benefited from nostalgia as its primary audience first watched it when they were teens or younger. It features some gifted comedians and has a few good gags, but most of it plays like a bad SNL parody, and it