Dr. Galazkiewicz

I thought Jesus cutting off some poor woman’s fingers with the skate was a nice touch. It made sense, her hand was on the ice. But when he jumped over the railing and slit that person’s throat, that just seemed too unlikely and got an eye roll.

One problem this show has always had is that the Supes are massively overpowered, have minimal if any weaknesses, and are allowed to get away with anything. Every time they show restraint of any kind, I just wonder why they would bother? They don’t need to hide who they are. If Neuman wants to stage a one woman coup

I really loved the first two seasons of this show (and parts of the third) but boy, it’s feeling tired, convoluted, and increasingly lazy. Plot points make less and less sense but more and more subplots are crammed in. Social satire is abandoned in favor of simply replaying recent social events with superheroes subbed

Yeah, the last episode with the convention was my jumping off point. It’s not that the satire of it bothers me (God know these sorts of things need to be lampooned), it’s the thudding obviousness of it. There’s no real commentary or cleverness to it, just a dull recycling of a relatively recent newscycle as

I know that this show has always been about as subtle as a sledgehammer as far as satire goes. But the fiction is getting so close to reality that I’m genuinely not sure whether I’m enjoying it anymore.

Of course you would have an issue with Sister Sage suggesting to The Deep to embrace the fact that he is superior to Ashley. Because “How dare she try to empower the white man! Female power is king why would she undermine it like that!” Also what is wrong with Sister Sage going along with the plan of having a supe-domi

Mostly because it’s referred to here as a history lesson - the tree thing is mostly misinformation thats been circulating TikTok. Only a small fraction of trees are even gendered. Slate did a nice article trying to track down why it started. Increased pollen is not the result of some vast city planner tree gender

No one is more obsessed with cancel culture than the people who claim it doesn’t exist.


I like how the AV Club acts like it was disappointed to get Shane instead of Ariana Grande, instead of dancing in the hallways over the chance to publish yet another Shane Gillis clickbait piece (assuming the AV Club still has hallways?  I don’t know how this stuff works now)

Until the Eye Of Sauron AV focuses on JK Rowling once more, for now we are stuck with updates of Shane Gillis’ every move whenever he dares to actually attempt to advance his career.

Someone should tell that to the article, since it seems like Gillis was promoting “his Netflix series, Tires, which was just renewed for a second season.”

You know you guys don't have to recap every Hot Ones video, right?

I don’t like or support Shane Gillis, for the same reasons as hinted at here, and I still think this article is absolutely embarrassing. I would truly guess this was an amateur Tumblr post if it were stripped of context & formatting. 

Knowing next to nothing about Gillis I thought I was about to listen to a straight up white supremacist after reading this article. He just seemed like a low-grade bro dude.

Jesus Christ. Don’t get me wrong, Shane Gillis is very much not to my taste and I find his loudest fans on the internet to be obnoxious but I don’t know that he’s done anything to deserve this much vitriol.

They’re a bunch of pearl-clutching dorks upset that Shane Gillis, who they thought they successfully cancelled, is now bigger and more successful than any of these failed writers or their favorite bland comedians.

No, the AV Club has its priorities straight. The most important topics in entertainment are: (1) Shane Gillis, (2) Bowen Yang, (3) end of list.

Did Shane Gillis run over the AV Club’s dog or something? This is just pathetic.

I’m not a big Gillis fan, but this is unfair to Sean. His questions were fine. I think you let your personal dislike of Gillis bias you too much here.