Dr. Galazkiewicz

I’ve seen it. Decent and entertaining stuff but it no way does it deserve an Emmy nom. The show’s style and tone is basically Atlanta with gun violence with Glover’s character a facsimile of Earn.

“But as in the essay he published when his misconduct was brought to light back in 2017, C.K. doesn’t seem interested in atoning for his actions.”

Insert Norm Macdonald clip about how he disagreed with Patton Oswalt that Cosby’s hypocrisy was the worst part, but that instead it was all the rape.

That’s a terrible trivia question. I watched that episode last week and didn't remember the answer.

I’m not here to appearance shame Lena Dunham.

Yeah, when will men put away childish, frivolous pursuits like video games and pursue more mature, dignified hobbies like dressing like absolute dogshit? 

Hey, *you’re* the one that took the name of that dress pattern for your avatar name, pal...

Lena Dunham has talent as a writer, but some sort of negative talent when it comes to clothing. There are people who look bad in their clothing because they clearly don’t care enough to put more thought into what they wear than just grabbing some stuff that vaguely fits and then going with it. But Dunham very clearly

Can I please say “never use that picture again” without it being considered body shaming?

I had not noticed that it was semi-transparent until I went back up to look in response to your comment.  So, I think you owe me an apology.

I’m not very familiar with Polly Pocket or any potential movies about it, but I do have to say that of all the dresses available in the world that is of them.  :/

I am older now (obviously) than when I watched GoT - more emotional instead of more cynical, though.

I would like a few more sources on this, but this gaslighting response is a pretty bad look:

The problem with the episode is that we know why Tek Knight invited Webweaver to the party: Webweaver has an orifice no one else has. You KNOW Tek Knight was all interested in that, because orifices are his thing. Webweaver’s suit has a convenient hole in it for that orifice. We then see Hughie walking around in the

the satire is way too on the nose

Okay Kripke, we get it. You’re cooler than Marvel, grittier than DC and more shocking than American Horror Story. You’re going to show us all the shit, cum, breast milk, and butt holes that we can stand. High fives all around. Power to the people. Maybe we can focus more on the story and less on the butt holes?

I think I’ve just straight-up lost interest in The Boys; nothing is shocking anymore, the satire is way too on the nose, and I’m finding myself being completely disinterest in most of the characters

I agree this was the worst episode ever and last week was already pretty bad. It feels like a fan fiction written by the 15 years old pseudo revolutionaries kids we all knew at high school (well at least I had a lot like that). It’s incredibly stupid.

And if their coup occurs on January 6 (because when else will Vic take over Singer?), someone let Eric Kripke know being too on the nose doesn’t make for interesting storytelling.

Remember when this show used to be 50 minutes ofhow bad would it be if superheroes existed under irl capitalism” and 10 minutes of “cumswapping tubgirl lactation cock and ball fart fetish lol” and not the other way around? I wish that show had gotten renewed for a 4th season.