Dr. Galazkiewicz

People who say “this is still on?” are still around?

The Guardian notes that Copperfield may not have known their ages at the time

Eh, I know this show has its fans for the reasons already given, but it just wasn’t my thing.

i think it’s more of a twitter joke for 40 year olds who think they’re tapped in with what 19 year olds are saying.

Boy, Bryan Fuller just keeps running into assholes! Everyone he deals with is an asshole! What terrible luck!

It’s not just bad luck. I’m all about sympathizing with artists and creators, and I’ll gladly admit that the people in charge of the later seasons played it safe and boring, but what Fuller did on the first season of American Gods was totally irresponsible.

You know that Justified quote everyone’s fond of using? “If you meet an asshole once, well, you met an asshole, but if everyone you meet is an asshole then you’re the asshole”?

I wonder if Paste-era AV Club could tempt Ignatiy Vishnevetsky back. There was a guy who knew how to pan a movie.

What a bizarre critique. The special was funny;  like, really fucking funny. He revealed as much as he needed to in order to make the jokes work. Not every special needs to be doing some sort of Hannah Gadsby style confession.

Coyote Vs Acme gets canned but they still push out Velma S2. WBD really hates its audience

It’s a fine example of human shield writing: where you put in a few (token) themes of marginalisation, and then hide behind them whenever you face any criticism:

I gotta love this article for trying. Velma still sucks, but at least this time it KNOWS it sucks and says “fuck you” to the people who say it sucks.

Nobody wanted this show , even I suspect Mindy Kaling, who would probably rather she could have made an original show rather than have to try and stretch the skin of an existing IP over her ideas.

I don’t think we’re getting another season. Max dropped all ten episodes like they were burning them off where season one was released weekly. I haven’t watched all of season two yet, but season one was a very weird show. I’m guessing season two was produced right after season one was finished. A lot of current

So you spend the entire article telling us the multitude of ways the show fails in every aspect of it’s presentation, admit that it was universally hated by people on both sides of the culture war, (One of the few pieces of content they DO agree on), and yet still feed us the same old tired, “Unjustified condemnation

This feels like one of those things where a show or movie that barely anyone watches “raises a middle finger to its haters” to give the impression that anyone is actually still talking about it. I haven’t heard anything about this show since like the first week it came out.

I wonder if the people that were furious The Marvels’ opening was considered weak still come around these parts.

I follow a Twitter account that details the life of one Jewish holocaust victim each day. It will take 16 thousand years for them to list them all. A similar account documenting trans victims of the Nazis would be finished by Tuesday.

And Hogwarts Legacy was the best selling game of 2023 despite all the internet crybullies demanding a boycott. NORMAL PEOPLE DON’T CARE ABOUT ROWLING’S POLITICS.

Suppress any technology that threatens the status quo!