Dr. Galazkiewicz

I was an undergrad when Late Night with Conan O’Brien started (1993) and was thus just exactly the right audience for his brand of talk-show. His kind of absurdity and self-deprecation was always right in my wheelhouse. He has continued to be exactly who he is and I respect him mightily for that. Oh, and Jimmy Fallon

Yeah, if that comment hurts your soul, perhaps acting is not the right career for you.

The funny bit about that one was that THAT was the comment that “hurt the guy’s soul”?

He’s an actor, not a political analyst. He doesn’t have to endorse candidates and people really shouldn’t care if he does. But he also doesn’t have to loudly announce that he is staying out of it if that’s what he wants to do. If you don’t want to say anything, then just don’t say anything. Don’t announce that you

And like, that’s fine? He doesn’t have to endorse someone if he doesn’t want to I guess, but what really chaps me about it is how he really *thinks* he’s being a hero here. “My goal is to bring this country together.” Like fuck you, dude. What hubris to think you personally have the power to bring the country together

I agree. I really liked the premise Resurrections started off with. The whole idea of Neo being back in the Matrix or maybe it’s not; maybe the whole thing never happened in the first place was cool. They could have gone so many different interesting directions with that but instead they just rushed to get back to the

I think the indifferent-to-hostile assessment of Resurrections was pretty fair. The movie has a good setup, but completely squanders it.

This review seems greasily obsequious to me, proclaiming every very apparent flaw as a positive. I’ve seen enough terrible bands to know that terrible does not automatically equal punk rock.

The movie looks like a cringe migraine.

Shot entirely on green screen, The People’s Joker bears a proudly artificial aesthetic that balks at conventional notions of consistency.”

This is the best euphemism for “this movie is cheap and looks crappy” that I’ve ever read.

To be honest , based on the trailer and review it looks like a pretty self indulgent mess ,but because it has a ‘plucky trans person vs heartless cishet corporations ‘ narrative saying anything bad about it automatically makes the critic a troll or a hater.

So is this the new movie everyone pretends to think is good to “stick it” to the right? 


But tell me this: Do you think Leigh Monson would give Fateful Findings the kind of generous reading that they have granted The People’s Joker? Does Vera Drew’s semi-autobiographical approach to the material and identity as a trans artist mean giving her more critical consideration than white cishet loon auteur Neil

Given its intensely personal nature, any faults in The People’s Joker are nearly indistinguishable from its appeal.

As a trans woman, I'm really not

So she makes a career out of humiliating herself, joins up with a comedian who is known for humiliating himself and then decides she’s offended at being asked to humiliate herself. Have I got that right?

Maybe Cohen’s an a**, maybe he’s not. But if you break big playing a character called “Fat Amy” you can’t be too surprised if your follow-up role is focused on you being fat.

So AV Club sold to Paste and Takeout (no longer linked above) sold to another company. See you all on the other side. Maybe. Has this been announced here?

I’m not sure how you could dress her and look good. She’s taken steps to lose weight and looks a lot better now. 

imagine reading two articles and deciding you’ll need to buy this book to confirm it was a bad idea to work on the Brorhers Grimsby.