Dr. Galazkiewicz

This is not the way to handle a situation where you being accused of very questionable behavior. If there is an innocent explanation, say so. These rants feed into the current perception that Lizzo is an entitled diva. I have loved her music, but she’s going to end up a forgotten person if she keeps this up.

But I’m starting to feel like the world doesn’t want me in itbeing the butt of the joke every single time because of how I look…

 She should’ve just apologized and paid half of what she’s paying her lawyers to the dancers.

my character being picked apart by people who don’t know me and disrespecting my name. I didn’t sign up for this shit

“Western media only shows the [Israeli] side. Why do they do that, I will let you deduce for yourself.”

The rotting corpse of the AV Club was sold yesterday.

Why?  The Bad Boys movies have always been fun.

Mmm... Independence Day and Men in Black I’d miss. Enemy of the State barely skirts the line. Everything else, nah.

Is it weird that this movie seems to misunderstand the concept of Magical Negroes that it is supposedly sending up? Black people having to expend a lot of effort to make white people feel secure in their presence is surely a real thing, but it doesn’t really have anything to do with the term.

Was Morpheus really a “magical negro” though? He seemed to have too much agency for that. I thought the trope referred to people like the caddy Bagger Vance.

I’m not sure it’s so much that we have “amnesia” about Wahlberg’s crimes, as that we’re not sure what consequences you think he should suffer for them now.

SBC has always seemed like an asshole, so I am not surprised.

Can you imagine being Oscar-nominated for a film directed by the most esteemed director of his generation and complaining about the experience?”

38 years ago. Fuck off.

What? How is not bringing up something that Wahlberg did 30+ years ago constantly an example of an “amnesiac, post-Trump pop culture”? It was incredibly shitty behavior and if you want to continue to personally be mad at him, that’s cool. But he’s apologized for it repeatedly and attempted to make amends and it has

Maybe because around 5 years ago she admitted forcibly fingering Tom Hardy’s asshole at a director’s suggestion, then admitted capriciously groping Anne Hathaway’s breasts while in character feigning acute blindness? Practically bragging about both assaults? Just guessing.

“She also said at the time that Cohen encouraged her to put her finger up his butt in the film’s final scene...”

In the immortal words of Norm MacDonald:

I am simultaneously someone who thinks most people are assholes, and people who feel the need to have no asshole policies have a high likelihood of being assholes.

Why am I hazily remembering Rebel being the asshole, like a year or two ago?...