Dr. Galazkiewicz

Better keep expectations in check, nothing prestige about this stinker. Cinematography suffers horribly from the limitations imposed by virtual sets. I imagine the script is pretty dumbed down for tv (haven’t read the books). Lot of genius science people doing dumb stuff and having things explained to them. There are

I was intrigued for the first 2 episodes, but half way through the 3rd episode i was bored by the interpersonal drama and plotting and was turned off by bad writing that reared its head.

I don’t think that’s true, at all.

That is a really bad description. Hes not inherently buffoonish or dumb-the original series makes a big point about how intelligent, principled and brave he is-most people dropped into a foreign country with no knowledge at all of the language or customs wouldve done a lot worse.

He’s a terrific character actor. I’m not sure he’s an action star or a leading man, which is what Swayze brought to the original. I’d much rather see Jake being a magnetic weirdo in arthouse fare.

The original has one fantastic line. Some generic 80s bad guy, about to fight Swayze, barks out:

I thought Jake might have the juice after his hammy performance in Ambulance. If you haven’t seen Ambulance I swear it’s the rare genuinely good Michael Bay movie and they use real goddamn squibs.

You don’t have to like the guy, but I think Liman directing Edge of Tomorrow and The Bourne Identity immediately disqualifies him from ‘hack’ status

Jake Gyllenhaal strikes me as a weird little theatre imp (in a positive way) who also happens to be willing to be superhero buff. I’d disagree with people who say he doesn’t have charisma, but it’s a more malovelent, mischievous charisma - his intensity in films like Zodiac or Nightcrawler is amazing, and then on the

OK. But will the D&D episode be available? 

The first next Game of Thrones was Korean Samurai Zombie epic Kingdom (2019-2020), and the second next Game of Thrones is this year’s Shōgun.

I don’t think Netflix, or any film exec for that matter, fully understands just how much of a turn-off “From the creators of Game of Thrones” is to anyone with even the slightest knowledge of the series.

That headline is some flagrant false advertising. 

She should go take a shit in his bed and blame it on the dog.

Apparently Lola and I have a different definition of ‘reamed’

Both things can be true: Johnny Depp has anger issues, and Amber Heard failed to prove she was a victim of domestic violence in court.

Beating this dead horse again, huh? Must be a slow news week.

In hindsight we now know the correct move would have been to sneak into his trailer and drop a grumpy on his bed, white lotus-style.

This, admittedly, is not completely fair, but every time I hear one of these after-the-fact stories, I can’t help but think “how brave of this person to sit on the story right up until that celebrity becomes radioactive enough that I can share it with no risk.”

“Actor yelled at me 20 years ago” is not a news story.