Dr. Galazkiewicz

I’d say an article hyperlinking 24 other gawker stories to the news of a stand up comedian getting a Netflix special that will disappear 2 weeks after it’s premiere is quite an equal oversize response.

Shane isn’t a “tells it like it is” MAGA type of comic whatsoever and that is absolutely not the reason why he got so popular. It’s because he’s funny and he just talks like people in real life still talk.

Unfortunately for you, Sam, you and the rest of the AV Club histrionic hens will have to accept that your

Lefty blogosphere: Cancel culture doesn’t exist!


This not being a bad episode was kind of depressing. I wish there was a middle ground, but there isn’t you either have to hate Shane Gillis or you are a crazy right wing lunatic, but even in the comments they all range between “Bowen and Sarah handled themselves professionally” to “Libs btfo” with no middle.

oh no, not bro humor...whatever that is. SNL obviously made a mistake firing him as he’s pretty big now, “off color” BRO humor and all. it’s almost as if most people don’t judge comics on their politics. huh.

He seems like a jovial guy and it was a fun episode. Quite different from all the “racist makes demeaning jokes about people with disabilities“ buildup some people have tried to make happen.
I’d go for a B, because there wasn’t a single sketch I wanted to fast forward through (except for the cold open of course).

drastic (Tales Of The Walking Dead)

You better not be threatening us with a good time, Kimmel!

i mean the marvels was a flop. it happened. that’s what it looked like.

He’s pointing out the absurdity of the situation we’re currently in. I also see it as a call to demand better of our politicians going forward.

Good lord Keith Olbermann sucks so much

I suspect you may have missed that after what some felt was unjustified criticism of the first couple episodes, someone set up an entirely new subreddit, TDNightCountry, that made it a point to moderate the dogwhistling and was generally filled with positive comments about the show. It apparently became the the

There was *plenty* to criticize about Season 4 that had nothing to do with gender or race.

Ugh, this crap again...

I think a lot of people tuned in to the finale hoping for an answer about what the hell was going on, only to be left with about 90% of their questions unanswered.

....why would he do that?

Wow.  Talk about grading on a curve.  This was not an A- episode.  It was ludicrous and really bad.  I was just glad to make it through and see if others felt differently.

there’s no explanation for the tongue being there that makes any sense, at all. the thing that connects the “annie k case” to the scientist murder and launches the entire story is a silly, improbable event that’s never explained. All the show’s attempts to link the present case to the past are like this; the heroin

Who left Annie’s tongue at Tsalal Station? Some questions just don’t have answers”

Lmao there were *far* more plot holes than 5 in this muddled mess.