Dr. Galazkiewicz

I really disliked this season (each ep was a C- to F for me), but I think I have some genuine answers to your questions:

Stray question I have: why did the “detectives” split up when searching the tsalal station? Great way to start the end to an eyerollingly bad season. 

I was pretty excited to and like you when the talk of the season 1 references became a big part of the press prior to the premiere I got a little put off. Then I really tried to like it but... nothing. For six episodes nothing compelling really happened. Then there is all the supernatural stuff which was dialed up to

Did we watch the same ending!?

Oh, and reading back through the reviews for this season it’s good to see the AVC is still using writers who are too busy on their laptops or phones to pay attention to the show they’re supposed to be reviewing.  Why watch when you can just invent details or pose silly questions that were explicitly answered on screen?

I was genuinely excited for this season, especially for Foster, Hawkes, Eccleston, and Shaw. Saw a couple interviews with Lopez that quelled that a bit but was still cautiously optimistic. I’m glad I waited til today to binge this because this was a sloppy, disjointed mess. The acting was the only good thing about it,

Are you serious? This was horrible.

Jodie Foster died for this wet fart of a season.

So the spiral was an ancient sea skeleton preserved in the ice? I’m also still not clear as to how Raymond Clark was believed to be in the block of ice if he wasn’t in the group sent to the ice.

What an absolute dumpster fire this Season 1 rip-off was.

you say that a lot.

face the truth nerd. it’s over

tons of people are currently loving the hell out of The Marvels now that it’s on Disney”

If you have to wrap your candidate in bubble wrap to protect them, maybe...pick a better candidate?  But I’m not a highly paid election consultant.  What do I know?

You just become ridiculously partisan and scared since he was on last. If Stewart came back and coddled either party, it wouldn’t be the daily show with Jon Stewart. It would be a 30 minute version of Rachel maddow. And nobody wants that. Although, I would take it over an hour version.

Ridiculous. They are by definition adults. The drinking age has nothing to do with them being children; it was raised as an effort to combat traffic deaths...and it worked. Go figure.

Lol, comment section here is exactly what I expected.

A bunch of whining that “the stakes are too high” to make fun of Joe Biden. Once again: it is not the media’s job, nor has it ever been the media’s job, to overlook the flaws in your favorite candidate just because you view it as necessary for the greater good. If

I’m not here to argue this was a classic, but this grade is a bit too rough.

I think the main problem for me, is that there’s just not that much to go on in most of the relationships in this show. Each character pairing gets maybe two or three scenes spread out through the whole show.

This was perhaps the most frustrating episode of a frustrating show.