Dr. Galazkiewicz

Eh I don’t agree with it being beautiful. The Walking Dead pulled this shit all the time (making it seem like a character may die and waiting weeks or sometimes even months to reveal if they did) and it sucked. It’s just a cheap cliffhanger to keep viewers invested.

It always drives me nuts when people bring this up with such a bad faith interpretation. Natasha says that she and all the other Widows were sterilized so that possible motherhood wouldn’t get in the way of their purpose of being ruthless efficient killing machines. “One less thing to worry about in the field.” That’s

Most of this seems to stem from the fact that the signatories just don’t like the fact that any opposing viewpoint is being presented by the paper. The NYT has published literally hundred of articles that support trans rights and people are upset that there have been a handful of articles and opinion pieces that are

I, too, despise hearing opinions that differ from mine in editorial pieces

Tits in Blurred Lines, tits in Gone Girl, Fyre Festival promoter, and spends an inordinate amount of time navel gazing about why people care about her body when she continuously...only promotes her body and her ramblings about said body.

“...with many expressing surprise that Andre could “pull” a woman like Ratajkowski”

I’m guessing sarcasm is not something you encounter in your life very often.

People are idiots if they read this as anything but Wilde talking about how it’s sweet that he was filming his partner. It’s not weird that she tagged them both - she tagged them both so that it was clear that she wasn’t hitting on him.

I’m not a fan of Olivia Wilde, ASAP Rocky or Harry Styles. But that people feel so strongly to think, it seemed like Wilde was going after the very-much-partnered rapper” makes them a bunch of Bozo’s. One can just as easily say that one celebrity woman is giving props to another celebrity woman and her man! They seem

“A good faith discussion”? Seriously? You’ve been trashing this game to hell for 18 fucking months. Let’s not even get into the unbelievably naïve calls to divest profits from the game from the actual IP holder. A game that Rowling’s assistant’s assistant probably deals with. A game that Rowling probably can’t

“The item’s description references the Fettmilch Uprising, renaming it to the Goblin Rebellion. It wasn’t accidental.”

This item in the game does not resemble a shofar (other than the fact both are horns, which is hardly somehow unique to Judaism) nor does it reference any sort of anti semitic violence.

*sigh* posting this is a mistake, because everyone on Kotaku is biased... Case in point the attitude of this opinion piece in the first place but.... What did all of you legitimately expect?

I have no particular beef with trans people or their supporters, but you’re condemning the bad behaviour of one side whilst refusing to do so for the other; threats and abuse levelled at streamers to the point of making some of them cry, randomly going into threads to give spoilers, etc. It’s utterly pathetic.

I guess

I doubt that happened. 

Because there is no antisemitism in Harry Potter. Goblins are a fantasy trope. Take it up with D&D and the thousands of fantasy books written before her.

I like how Kotaku staff is apparently okay with two different assholes posting ending spoilers, I also like how one of them has #transrights on their message as well, as if being a little bitch and spoiling a game that just came out somehow helps trans people or something?

So this is not going to dig in to the facts of the text messages she exchanged with his wife proving they were trying to frame him?


What, no Varsity Blues???