Dr. Galazkiewicz

It’s amazing what you can do with good eating, relaxation and lying about cosmetic surgery

As a long time Australia hater, I maintain that it has nothing to offer outside of tall actresses and diminutive Kylie Minogue. As the great Viola Davis once said of noted tall Australian, Elizabeth Debicki: “Elizabeth is 6'3"”. In this essay, I will

For a show with a stupid premise {She can’t be barred from playingpoker for being able to read a tell , heck it doesn’t mean she will always win only tells her when the other player is bluffing } its getting better every weeK .

It’s weird to me that Charlie’s attempts to inspire have been directly responsible for 40% of the deaths thus far (BBQ Guy and Drummer Guy).

I brought this up here with House of the Dragon and the discourse around, anyone who thinks gay characters dying = the “bury your gays” trope needs to read The Celluloid Closet or watch the equaling good documentary based on it.

While “bury your gays” exists as far back as works of 18th Century literature, it was coined

As a queer person, I didn’t read it as a Bury Your Gays at all – they didn’t die because of homophobic brutality or tragedy, they died because they were old and content, it’s really the most beautiful, sweet, and sad episode of TV I’ve seen in a long time.

Frank, in the final stages of cancer

Well, here’s another problem: the show we see strongly implies that Charlie can only detect when someone is lying, not when they’re not being totally forthcoming. (Otherwise every episode is just “oh, that guy did it”, based on their general manner.)  Poker players don’t announce their hands! They just call, raise, or

How about just staying away from Republic of China data-mining apps? I am at a loss as to how people don’t see this as the long con as it clearly is. 

Listen, I remember how dramatic everything was in high school and lord knows I “protested” over some hilarious things, but like someone needs to gently tell these kids to chill out.

Perhaps we shouldn’t be worried about leaving the planet in good condition for these Gen z fucks. 

Be Prepared? Hellfire? There aren’t nearly enough Villain Songs on this list.

Glad to know De Nero and Pesci are goodfellas

Wait a second... No Hunchback, or Hercules, or Tangled? But we have two (TWO) songs from Enchanted? Yikes... my number one will always be “Circle of Life”

ZERO songs from Hunchback?  List invalid.

Now playing

The villain songs are almost always the most entertaining ones, too. “Shiny” from Moana is a lot of fun, mainly because it lets Jemaine Clement do his David Bowie impression.

Tale as old as time... “Beauty and the Beast” isn’t on this list, and I have some issues with that.  

What I've heard about the Hadrian situation is that he was a bit too touchy-feely with young Antinous and that the boy's fatal fall into the Nile may have been due to a lover's quarrel with the Emperor, thus his extravagant grief and all the statues of the deceased.

If I was Adult Swim, I’d just bite the bullet and cancel the show. I know people like to point to “impressionists on TikTok,” but voice acting requires more than doing an impression of someone else. Not to mention how I bet Adult Swim probably doesn’t want to continuously remind people of the alleged domestic abuser