Dr. Galazkiewicz

Someone should tell them about these ‘inclusion riders’ there’s been so much talk of recently

I’ve come to believe that this ‘best’ vs ‘most important’ player is a spurious distinction. Curry is who I’d choose to build a team around, so he is the better NBA player. Sure, Durant would be better in one on one but who cares?

Lionesses are afraid lions will laugh at them. Lions are afraid lionesses will kill them.

“We don’t have to live with being raped when we think we’re going to a business meeting” is just so sad. It’s made me very sad, and I thought I was pretty jaded.

Tourists in a small boat... I know how this story ends.

NFL needs to look into this. A man capable of doing this is the type of person who could go on to under-inflate balls.

Maybe all of James Franco’s misconduct was just part of his process for Spring Breakers.

While I love Valkyrie and Tessa Thompson’s portrayal, I think the deeply evil things she does preclude her from really being a Han Solo type.

This is cultural appropriation the Japan is cultural appropriating us let’s tweet angrily about it.

Are steroids some kind of turkey repellent?

Are we sure they haven’t been recruited into some secret government anti-terrorist organization?

This is horrible. When will we start teaching our young athletes not to hit women in front of cameras?

Fucking Jason Concepcion. A face made for radio, and a voice made for Twitter. He should never have been more than ‘netw3rk’, but even 280 characters is too much of that loser.

‘Tide pens’? What are those, some kind of appetizer?

He’s like the Lena Dunham of Baldwins.

Who doesn’t like a good neanderthal skeleton selfie?

If you assume Sean Brody is Russian it makes a lot more sense.

I’m not sure what everyone has been complaining about - I thoroughly enjoyed this Justice League movie.

I thought after she restricted all the men to the ship, Sara was going to end up being affected by Helen.

Oh my God, Becky.