Dr. Galazkiewicz

Make sure to get consent first though

I dropped this show towards the end of Season 1, but people kept saying how much it had improved in Season 2. So, I recently went back and caught up with Season 2 & 3, and it’s almost unbelievable how good this is. This show is a case study in how to turn a show around. It’s so much fun now! And, just when you think

Wow, has this place really degenerated to the point where I have to put ‘/s’ after comments like this in case some absolute dullard doesn’t get it? Fucking Kinja.

I’m going to withhold judgment here until we learn what Rapp was wearing.

For anyone who enjoys these, here is another good video showing many of their more egregious mistakes. CinemaSins is just awful these days. I think they were alright when their videos were shorter, but now they just pad out the runtime of every video and they’re all unwatchable garbage.

To be fair, keeping your kids in the womb is a great way to protect them from pedos.

‘Member Disqus?

What? No Galaxy Quest? Something has gone very wrong.

Yeah I’m digging it. Jessica Biel is doing a good job. I didn’t really expect this from USA, though I guess they do have Mr. Robot.

"Settling for only dark comedy won’t work; it never works without some sort of humanist heart beating at the center of all the darkness and nihilism"

So Donna snoops through Lance's stuff, finds something that has nothing to do with her, and then lectures him about dishonesty and guilts him into doing what she thinks is best? All because she dated a scumbag once? Time to cut her loose, Quentin.

"So can anybody just walk in here?"
"That is an army of robotic bees. Yeah, this is my life now."
Captain Lance was on fire tonight!

"I thought I told you to tell Bernie Sanders that I am not interested in hot yoga"

Maybe they're not worried about Savage anymore since he's gotten less threatening with each appearance. He's gone from world domination to a few genetic experiments in a small town. Next time he shows up the team will probably have to stop his dastardly fake credit card scheme.

While in our custody he kept saying the same thing: "IIIIII'm a shark, I'm a shark, I'm a sharrrrrk!"

She's right, bears are a menace

Do all those old murder mysteries feature glove-wearing snipers, and opening scenes wherein we watch the sniper choose his victims through his scope, then see the identity of the sniper before the hero begins his investigation?

Did they steal the whole plot here from the Jack Reacher movie? I was not expecting anyone to steal from that movie.

I really appreciate the show's judicious use of Bud. I feel like more Bud might be too much, but as it is I'm always happy to see him and he's always hilarious.

Between this, Fargo, The Flash, and Agents of Shield TV has been killing it so far this week. Ravi is just consistently awesome. Also, I tried not to laugh at 'If this case were any easier, I'd have slept with it in college.' I failed.