
I dunno... Something seems like it got lost in translation? Comparing the two images something looks... off with the production version. I can’t put my finger on it.

That should be a rule, those who bought the crappiest cars and those that spent the most for their car get to park closest

At a certain point in time, one of the goals of engineering, was longevity of the product. In the last couple decades, I think that goal has been abandoned. Instead, it’s about consumer churn. Keep them always paying on it. Vehicles are less a capital investment, and more a fixed monthly transportation budgetary item.

Nothing would surprise me from CARB. They’ve never allowed things like “technically viable” or “meets customer needs” to get in their way before.

Amusing that FCA made a video about this but not about Fiat’s efforts in WW2

What’s with the pedestrian suction chute mounted in the front?

The scariest part is these wack jobs just blindly agreeing with Bernie (this obviously can be used for any of the candidates).

In other news, water is wet.

Wow, I definitely don’t see it as wimpy.

Even a mighty Land Cruiser can get stuck in the super-soft sand of a Fraser Island beach. That boat on the trailer hitch probably didn’t help. [Image: Paleontour/Flickr]

Definitely cool, but last time I checked, these are also, um, three dimensional.

Patrick: DPFs and DEF. Both serve to remove NOx emissions, though mostly the SCR (DEF). They were avoiding adding it because it’s a pain in the ass and one more thing for the customer to have to deal with/service. The 3.0L TDI got it a while ago; I doubt they wanted to add it to their base model vehicles that had the

mfw my entire economy was destroyed by a mid-pack Big 12 university

I’m also anxious to see more aftermarket stuff for the new twins. The only guy I’ve really followed that’s using his Canyon like it was intended is on Expedition Portal. Here’s the link:

Nissan faces the same problem as Cadillac: competing vehicles are so good that owners have no reason to switch. Someone who switches from a BMW to a Cadillac has to answer “Why’d you buy that?” over and over, whereas if he buys another BMW, nobody will question it. It’s the same case here. Derivative styling and what