
And everyone on this list is better than the guy who wrote it and liked it.

Let’s be real here. DC needs to worry about people watching the start of the film let alone staying until the end...

Or maybe do cash only screenings, under the table. Look Disney, nobody bought tickets to your hack-retread of an uninspired movie franchise.

Now is a great time for all theatre franchises to band together and not show this film. Suck it Disney.

How do we solve the unlikeableness of Barry Allen?
Write better scripts where Barry learns from his past mistakes?
Nah, let’s just have him stand next to somebody even more unlikeable.

He said the issues are different, not the people. There are issues that specifically affect marginalised groups and there are issues that affect all groups.
Why do Internet bloggers try so hard to find things to be pissed at. Take a moment, count to five, THINK before you reach for the pitchforks.

So an item that was not in her possession for extended periods of time while traveling had trace elements of a narcotic and that’s enough to issue an arrest warrant? Hmmm....

[THUD!]....mic drop.

Odd sense of humour Old Georgie Peorgie has. “Stop me if you felt this one before! No, please, DON’T ! Nyuk nyuk!”

Also, please stop referring the POTUS as the leader of the free world. I know other countries go along with that sentiment so as not to bruise your fragile egos but nobody else REALLY looks at America as

Let’s all agree to stop calling any of these costumes “sexy”.

A real American hero.

White kids get so much protection when they assault, rape and spread hate speech. They are reaffirmed that there are little to no personal consequences to their heinous actions.
The institutions are just as culpable as the perpetrators.

Well the Kubrick version was godawful shite too so... here we are.

There’s no small parts, only small actors blah blah blah.

Even flipping it works be better.

I dunno, “can a black person be racist” is pretty effing dumb.

Dispicable. SMH at these cluesless, disgusting women.

Hahaha! This is awesome!

It’s different how?

It’s a hair style. Get over it.
Do Black women need to stop straightening their hair then, or wearing wigs that have straight locks?
Maybe we should go back to culture specific attire as well? Which culture was the first to wear pants?
This over-analysation and cultural appropriation police is way out of control.