
There is a school of argument that says, “Stop give this douchebag more attention by writing about him,” but I suspect that more he gets called out by the press, the less likely advertisers will want to be associated with him and the farther his star will fall.

Unpopular Opinion: You cannot shame or criticize victims, but I think there is room to just believe people you care about. I don’t think it’s okay for Keaton to go after Dylan Farrow, but I do think it’s okay that she believes Allen and is wrong. I also think it’s okay that Nikki Minaj never spoke out against her

Uh, I’m fine with every character’s romantic life being “minimized”. Not why I’m watching the movies.

Good riddance. I don’t care if he didn’t actively molest or abuse a child, he’s still complicit in the production of child pornography and the abuse that entails.

Haven’t you heard? Dave Chapelle is now a Bad Man Who Is Wrong and Bad, because he told some jokes about transgender people. So even though he’s black, which buys him approximately 100,000,000 extra Justice Points, Isha now puts him on the same level as U2 (a Bad Band Which Is Wrong and Bad—because they are white).

The circle jerk of awards shows is exactly why I don’t watch them.

“This is about the women. Men should not be trying to make this about themselves.

“Men should be quiet and listen to what the women have to say about this topic. Also, why aren’t the men speaking up?”

He was just Romancing the Stone

1 - This is NOT white washing, this is how the character has always been presented.
2 - The character is NOT Japanese-American. His ancestry is Japanese and Easter European, but he was born on another planet. Which means there’s NOTHING American about him.

I mean, c’mon. You’d think that in the era of Trump we’d have

Celebrity jumps on social movement bandwagon for branding and public relations and does it poorly.

The more I read your stuff, the more I’m positive you were part of this group.

Who are the oppressed in this situation? Women who took “Sex Scenes” classes and then were offended when sex was explored in the class? And an ex-girlfriend who gave a blow job when she’d rather have waited to do it until later that night?


How were these people unaware of Woody Allen’s despicable reputation in 2012? The original stories of alleged abuse and him sleeping with Soon-Yi happened 20 years before that.

I think it is more that Michelle Williams needs a new agent, ASAP.

I don’t want to be one of ‘those’ guys but Wahlberg negotiated the bonus. Williams did not. This is irrelevant clickbait.

They say something, you write a scathing takedown of their inadequate responses.

I actually thought the idea of the characters slumped over was pretty clever, until I realized that every single one of his pieces uses that exact same gimmick.

Out of curiosity, should Johnny Depp just never be able to work again? I’m not defending him and don’t like him in anything aside from the first Pirates, but I also don’t know if he should be permabanned from acting because of the ACCUSATIONS of abuse.