
Wow, I think you are overthinking the female/woman, ,male/men thing.
Must we be offended by everything?
I get the sexist tone and connotation of what this male said should be criticised, however saying the word female is “grammatically awkward” is highly subjective.
The other things your are reading into using the word

It’s hilarious the wording that Affleck and Snyder are using. The denial and delusion is palpable.
“Too dark” “The fans don’t want to see their heroes deconstructed”.
Like, they made something good but the fans just didn’t get it.

Bam! Another great article, thank you.
What if by raising the minimum wage and increasing the quality of life for the poorest citizens we could also lower crime, violence, drug abuse, etc.
Politicians Bat-Gas.

Great article. Thank you.


It’s always better to do less of something and make it exceptional. Doing more of less quality is a surprising attitude coming from a creative.
Video games suffer from the mentality that they need to stuff more filler to justify people spending $80.

What a dirt-bag. He seemed pretty proud of it at the time. Yes, I said it.

“I’m loving It.”

Very sad how true this article is.
White people need to be offended. Need to be made uncomfortable.

Very nicely written. Thank you!

While I’d never underestimate the stupidity of a politician, I think this is a clear case of lying.
Politicians have been fostering “super-patriotism” in the USA for decades. Now they wield it like a hammer to clobber the citizens who question their motives, methods and agendas.
Don’t support our unethical war? You

Absolutely there is a large element of this going on.

Jesus H Christ. Maybe you can shoehorn a few more terrible analogies into this piece.
But allow me to appropriate your first abysmal analogy.
Nobody on the planet is allowed to use a toothbrush ever (unless you were, um...sodomised with one).
They have to use their fingers and just smear some toothpaste on there and

You are using the word ‘weakest’ wrong.
Season 3 is effing strong as f@#k. Who cares what the gender is of the person writing the show? I’ll tell you who - the single-celled organisms endlessly bumping into the wall at the shallow end of the gene pool.

“...but does not reflect the person he is.”
No, that is exactly what it does. It reflects poorly the person that he is.
This bullshit language spin needs to stop.
He doesn’t have to remain the person that he is, the person his actions reflect poorly on, but that is what he is now.
Perhaps he needs to reflect on that.

Is it ironic that this is exactly how a white person might reply when confronted with the reality of their priviledge?

Wonderfully written article. Well done.

You might want to double-check you understand the term respectively as it is used in journalism or your facts.
Maybe check both.

I refuse to believe that picture is of 45 and 92 y/o women!

The car needs to be stopped. Shit needs to get real before it gets better.