
Not of fan of this girl and I like the article, it’s very well written, but there seems to be a lot of blame being laid at her feet as a white person appropriating and damaging black culture yet the black men who were key in propelling her career into the spotlight (because they can make a buck) is glossed over. Where

Nice article! #truth

What the actual f@#k is going on in the USA right now. It’s like somebody lifted a rock and all the cockroaches have come scurrying out.

Please replace “Idiot” with Racist.

So disheartening but also, so not surprising. She should have been shut down from the start, it never should have got to court.
What a farce.

Just a coincidence she looks like the Wicked Witch of the West?

Man, there are so many things in this article which I agree with you . It’s terrible and sad.

This article should be titled, “Black people lose their shit over learning white people don’t know the death anniversaries of over-rated Black celebrities”.
Let the black tears rain down.

You’ve got to be kidding. There is nothing cool about this image. Some guy holding an Ikea desk lamp over each person who look worse than you’d find at a cosplay convention.

You should write an article about an angry black internet blogger who alienates people pointing out injustice, in racially-charged, sarcastic undertones. Oh wait, you just did.
So, wide peep ole, keep your kale-eating mouths shut and mind your bidness. Noted.

Yet another pointless story to be outraged about. Excellent work Aleksander.
I don’t see them attributing this as an “African” proverb. What makes it not a proverb in general though? Just because somebody attributed it incorrectly at one point doesn’t make the sentiment fake.
Get over yourselves people.

The nose is all wrong. They are trying to keep him “handsome” and they made him more creepy.
The eye line is way off as mentioned.

It wasn’t them most tragic moment as much as it was the most empty one.

Listen. Canada has always been better than you. You are old enough to hear that now. Just face it.

That’s totally Nick Cage.

“Try not to cry”? What is wrong with the people who write these headlines.

Reporting somebody’s identity, a famous author in this case, is not news. It does nothing for the wellbeing of the public. It IS however, a self-serving, ego-driven move on the part of the “journalist”. ‘Ha! I’m the one that outed her first! Look at me!‘
Make no mistake, this type of reporting is about the reporter,

Is this post about the symmetry of the show or about your smarmy attitude towards the show and people who watch it? You mention smart-ish people and your lack of interest more times than any other topic.