
I've just installed this on my Mac. It installed perfectly, and I was surprised at the no. of 'add ons' that were supported from the get go.

Here's a tip for anyone 'crossing the pond' to Europe. If you're flying to or from an EU country (or with an EU airline) you have certain rights as a passenger under EU legislation.

Oh... forgot to mention - I've now reset the preferences so that the 'cmd + tab' does indeed work.

I was about to have a moan... stating that this didn't work, when I realised I was having a bit of a 'duh!' moment. Call it force of habit, but I was trying 'cmd + tab' instead of 'alt + tab'. Anyway, make sure you use the 'alt' key!

Another vote for PDF-Xchange here. We produce artwork for clients, send them a PDF for feedback, and they can make and embed any comments within this using the app. Unless I'm mistaken, it looks like there's no longer a link to the free version from the front page of the Tracker website however.

Another vote for CutePDF....very useful.

Another vote for CutePDF here....very useful.

Whoops, sorry about the typo.

I've been looking for something just like this!



Hmm Maybe someone should introduce him to Lifehacker and GTD. It's never too late to learn!

Forgot to mention - I don't like the way Ript rotates the saved images and adds the 'ripped paper' effect to the border (but to be fair that's kinda the whole point). If you're looking for a simple (and fun) application it's quite neat. The 'ripping a note' noise is quite cool too (but might annoy some).

I currently use a combination of the Firefox add in 'Scrapbook', MS OneNote, and printing to PDF....but I will take a look at this. The only thing I'm not liking is the default propriety file format.


So basically I can dig out an old PC tower, whack on a piece of software, connect things up and I'm away? I didn't realise it was that easy!



I agree with many of the sentiments above!

Maybe you could use Keepass, as posted here:-