
Oh dear... looks like this new version is taking a bit of a pasting by reviewers over on the Mac App Store too (average 2 star review). I for one am looking forward to giving it a whirl though. I used to use the Air version, but whenever I read messages, they kept showing up as 'unread' which made it kinda pointless.

Not that anyone would be interested... but the font looks like 'Rockwell Bold'... one of my favorites (and yes, I know that having a favorite font is very sad).

I like it!

I'm late to the commenting party here... but this doesn't seem to work properly in Vista... on the mac that is (using vmfusion). When you invoke the command, the whole desktop zooms in. You get bigger icons yes, but you lose your taskbar etc in the process. Works nicely on my PC though.

I'm a little late posting here... but someone might just find this useful. You can find a really handy set of Google maps API tutorials here:-

Site still down for me... does that make it 'uncuil'?

Thanks to all those above for highlighting Filebox eXtender. I've just installed it, and after only a few minutes, I'm already finding it really useful. Hardly surprising, when I have to navigate through folder hierarchies such as:-

I think this will probably come down to the increase (or perceived increase) in cost of hardware for Macs verses PCs. Larger corporations will probably not move to Macs or iPhones because they're more likely to employ the "if it ain't broke don't fix it" approach (playing the risk management card). I'm not saying this

I've only been blogging since February, and have (just about) got to grips with Wordpress (having upgraded recently to 2.5).

You can find some nice Photoshop tutorials here:-

I use a different method (which also supports colour).

Oh yeah, and Microsoft Accounting

1. Office 2007 (primarily for Outlook)

I use Outlook all the time, but the Journal is one feature I have never really used. When it comes to documenting conversations (in my case with clients), I prefer to use Onenote. I then have all relevant notes (including web snippets etc) in a single place.

Maybe I'm alone here... but I'm not really interested in what time a post was published... it's either useful and relevant to me, or not.


I've been using Fusion for a few months now, and the only bug I've encountered is the 'Caps Lock' not syncing properly.. other than that, it has worked flawlessly.

And yes, ticking the preview box seems to alleviate the problem straight away!