
You said “the random group of replacement players who would be willing to fill the squad would still beat every other team in the world in any given tournament.”

not just sports media; the New York Times itself spent all of 2016 hyping butter emails

I rate it an F

Bernie latches on to a conspriacy theory that helps Trump’s assault on the press.

Tanden assaulted Faiz Shakir

Ah yes like clockwork. When someone comes for “daddy” Splinter jumps to his defense. I mean you gotta do something to distract from those awful poll numbers right? Oh to all the Bros please don’t post that embarrassing graph of how ol Finger wagging is leading in some bullshit dollar donations across states with two

Barstool is what Deadspin would have been if AJ Daulerio still ran the joint and none of the writers ever matured past the age of 20.

I tried to be Team Deadspin but that piece in the Washington Post was just ... so cringeworthy.  Team “get off my lawn”.

Well, the world would be a better place if their entire athletic department got shut down.

And then 3 weeks of pearl-clutchers offering up stale takes about sportsmanship and celebrating.

oh shit, I didn’t realize. that’s a little scary considering how good of a program they are, too.

You are right and I had it backwards!

Anyone on the Shitty Men in Media list, because god only knows they haven’t suffered any consequences or have ever been brought up on any of these sites, for reasons *wink wink nudge nudge*

Hmm, didn’t realize Gustavsson was already gone. Did Varsity Blues touch their women’s soccer team? I thought it was just the men.

They killed Optimus 

These jobs are disappearing for bigger reasons than a hedge fund. Newspaper economics have been gutted by a variety of factors, Deadspin representing one of them.

ehh, they all say it’s way harder to get back to focus/training in time when the OG is only 13 months after winning a world cup. and nobody’s managed that direction yet.

Wow. I really thought she’d try to lead them to the first back-to-back WC/OG wins. Kind of afraid to see who they turn up next.
