
But this isn’t comparing two different levels of soccer... The USWNT and the USMNT compete at the same level. And, arguably, our women compete at a higher level than the men, but get paid as if they’re the farm league relative to the USMNT.

wait until you get to drunk Pinoe!

Agreed, but FTR the first tiebreaker is assists and it only went to minutes played because Pinoe+Morgan had 3 assists apiece.

I think your final point is one that more parents need to absorb. You can’t spend your child’s way to the pros. There eventually is a natural talent level that a player either does or does not have. One of my best friends runs a tennis academy and their objective is to get every kid in the program a college

I really like this idea. It would cost under a million dollars a year and it would be quite a help to players. Get Budweiser or some corporate partner itching for exposure post-WWC to find the change between their corporate couch cushions.

I’d like to see US soccer subsidize player salaries in the NWSL a little bit. Keep the salary mins/maxes but if they did even like $5k/American unallocated it might go a long way towards making the league an option for more players.

As a Thorns fan who’s watched a ton of Lindsey Horan football - she’s definitely a very good technical player. Heath plays for the Thorns as well and I’d say she’s better then Heath in congested mid-field play. Rarely loses the ball in traffic and excellent field vision. Can come back deep and transition into

Never discount how delusional sports parents can be. The current model means that almost all of the USWNT players are college grads, many from top universities. But how many girls (or more importantly, their parents) at 15 thought they were surefire national team prospects relative to how many actually made it? Given

Literally no one associated with the team would attend. Not. One. Single. Person. 

How dare they behave more like the men! The women should act like ladies!

They were unapologetically American. Brash and confident. They came in as the favorite and they didn’t try to downplay that fact with an “Aww shucks we’re just happy to be here and we’re gonna try real hard.” attitude. They owned that and then danced on the graves of anybody who dared doubt them. And it was fucking

Yeah, they’ve been losing out on Canadian talent (to Canada’s deficit, I think, for Quinn and D’Angelo) but the Aussies and Brazilians have really made up for it. And of course the American D1 pipeline will keep it to a decent standard when the league’s only like 225 players.

You had me at stomping on Phil Neville.

I would definitely like to keep a stable professional league but pay them a living wage. Big for finding tomorrow’s Crystal Dunns and Ali Kriegers that have a lot of potential but aren’t quite on the 23-woman roster the second they finish college.

idk, Harris did use the word “wife” in one of those celebration videos going around...

It’s the same article BroSo writers have popped in to write about women’s soccer every 4 years since women have played world cups. Might as well keep on fucking that chicken.

Without a new, holistic approach to women’s soccer—one that will probably need to merge the resources currently split between the high school, college, professional, and national team divisions of the game

They outscored their European opponents 10-3 in 5 games and never trailed in the tournament.

at least 4 years, i’d say.