
way to find something...

Billy Mitchell totally seems like a guy Liz Lemon would have dated for a season of 30 Rock.

How the hell you gonna come for someone else’s looks and you look like this???

Inside out is objectively better than Finding Nemo. Don’t let nostalgia run your life.

There’s also a winery.

“he’s had the freedom to ask me for it whenever he wanted”

Man that is messed up, and right after he shoots Richie Incognito, I really think we need to take his guns away from him.

I can’t be the only one who read “Rhode Island’s youngest state senator” in the headline, glanced down to see a video freeze-frame of Paul DiMaio, and wondered “that’s Rhode Island’s youngest senator?”

Man, I can’t imagine being so young and in that kind of shape. Guess, I’ll just have to settle for being able to remember my address in my fifties.

Ok so I feel like this is a very appropriate place to tell my movie going expirence for Black Panther. I went to a theater with reserved seating (no alcohol though; should have checked. Damn) Two young women went to sit next to me but there was a white man in one of their seats. They showed the man their tickets and

Can white people get over the “ we can’t be proud to be white “ thing. You can be proud Italians, Irish, or German. That’s a specific white. The reason we say proud to be black is because we don’t know where the fuck we came from!

Medically, it’s proven words CAN hurt you.

We probably shouldn’t live by childrens’ rhymes.

You DON’T get to call me racist, ok?

Republican in the front, skinhead in the back.

The goal of this memo and everything else the GOP/Fox has been doing for the last year re: Uranium and Seth Rich and everything else isn’t to get something to stick, it’s to create so much noise that whatever Mueller uncovers will be just another blip on the screen and they’ll have cover for ignoring it. I’d love

I really feel like there’s more important things for you to be upset over.

CNN? Jesus Democrats, do better.

Worst part is letting his girlfriend clean out the car, own your shame like a man. There’s a reason I washed my own socks in high school.

I have a hard time taking the phrase “The Force Awakens is even worse than the prequels” seriously because just on a technical level - no. No, not remotely. Forget the content - just on a structural, thematic, and cinemagraphic basis the prequels are appallingly shot. So many staid camera set-ups, so much leaden

I’ve really enjoyed it as well. It’s Star Trek with more fart jokes. Not everything needs to be grim and gritty.