
she’s apparently never been asked to return to Star Wars?

Looking forward to the series finale with special guest star Anakin Skywalker 

Sure, you’re verified and get “increased visibility”.

Okay, fine. Maybe the old “I’ll speak to your supervisor!” threat really works BECAUSE Imperials spend 90% of their time being chewed out (if not outright tortured) by their bosses for minor offenses.

Star Trek’s mantra “to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations”

Star Wars mantra “to stay on Tatooine, show the same 6-7 species of aliens/robots, and tie everything back to the Skywalkers”

No, the box saying “Hollywood actors don’t get to express their opinions”.

Who has been cancelled??

A-FUCKING-MEN. Thank you for making this point. I guess God the Almighty is no match for Antifa. 

I want to know the car details. 

Let it never be said that Bernie Sanders is anything but a narcissistic sociopath. 

Agreed. Plus, him dying would make him some kind of crazy, right-wing martyr for eternity.

The scary bit of that story was wearing something from a thrift store without washing it first *shudder*

I’m sorry but Keenan is the best cast member! 

Do you think Chloe Sullivan will make an appearance?

I liked the part where the Venezuelans discovered their weapons had all been encased in jello.....

That, that’s a new hat?

I’m a huge grammar nerd but this is unnecessary. In this case it’s more important to listen to what he has in his heart than to make classist comments about how he got his message across. It’s a screenshot of the Notes app, posted to Instagram. He’s not submitting a statement to Congress.

Higher chance of him having to eat a bear’s ass in prison

this is what people think all conservatives are now, and we are not.

They were unapologetically American. Brash and confident. They came in as the favorite and they didn’t try to downplay that fact with an “Aww shucks we’re just happy to be here and we’re gonna try real hard.” attitude. They owned that and then danced on the graves of anybody who dared doubt them. And it was fucking