
Yes. My 8 lb, 8.6 oz 23 in long behemoth of a newborn came after 9 hours of unmedicated backlabor and malpositioned to boot. And *then* I started breastfeeding.

Yes the grave treason of... posting vague second-hand information in a blog’s comments section. When the lethal injection cocktail begins coursing through my veins and the lights fade out, I will rue what I have done this day. 

Whataboutism. Google it.

A dear friend of mine and mother of two who worked her butt off to eat healthy and excercise passed away Saturday night of heart disease at the age of 51. Seeing this article makes me want to burn the white house down. I someone spits in Trump’s next burger.

Okay Future.

Terrorists’ kids: They’re just like us!

This is correct. I’m fully alongside the idea of legalizing weed, but until that happens I’m going to assume that if I accidentally get a large shipment of the stuff, there are going to be some rather scary gentlemen looking to get it back.

If you have an old school desk lamp, none of that LED bullshit, that’s hot enough for this book.

I had a buddy that worked for CFA for a bit, he had some experience in the rapid cuisine industry from Sabarros to Burger King and he said for a fast food joint it wasn’t a bad place to work so while the customer service might seem overwrought its probably not as forced as it might seem (well for short term employees

Was using “snowflakes” to let people know they could stop reading, or just to signal that you weren’t worth taking the advice of?

If Elle Reeve wasn’t a pretty blonde, would those Nazis have spoken so candidly? Of course not. A big part of investigative journalism is subterfuge/undercover work.

Dead Bath & Beyond

That hair is just so, so bad on her. She looks like the edgiest mom at the tennis club-the one with a tattoo on her foot and eighth row seats to Ed Sheerhan.

A male feminist walks into a bar

Diarrhea was robbed.

“When I started buying crystals, it was so out there. Not it’s trendy and everyone buys crystals”

Never meet your heroes and *especially* never follow them on Twitter.

“People like going to the circus.”

Have you ever been to either of those sites? What kind of articles do you think they’ve been posting for the last eight years? Constructive criticism? Good God. But by all means please continue being “that guy”.

Until the final episodes, it looked like Gilead society relegated people of color to non-leadership roles. You saw men as Guardians and women as Handmaid, Marthas, or Jezebels, but never as Wives or Commanders. It seemed like the implicit racism of a society beset by fertility issues, that for basically utilitarian